
AC’s latest injury – the fans react


CarrollhairflyingAndy Carroll’s latest injury has been greeted with resignation and a distinct lack of the usual irony from the Hammers faithful.

Slaven Bilic announced in his morning presser that the striker was suffering a small groin injury that would keep him out of the Swansea game but that he would be back for the Christmas programme.

Those reacting on the ClaretandHugh forums see AC and inhries as an inevitability – almost a given. Here’s a collction of their comments.

  1. Think they’re treating Carroll with kid gloves now. Slightest twinge and he will be rested. Time for jelavic to prove he has more about him than just being the managers croation love child.

  2. Think you could be right about AC, Slaven.

    Can’t see Jelavic doing it all up there on his own, I’m hoping he plays him and Valencia.

  3. Seem to remember we played our best football under Allardyce when Carroll was injured?
    Valencia & Sahko did the job from memory.I hope there is a suitor for Carroll in January?

  4. One team Andy does well against and has their number is Swansea. If as mentioned he’s out I cannot see it happen for him with this club in the future. Sam bought Carroll for his heading Bilic wants footballers and so far Andy does not look like he fits.

  5. i think its gotta be valencia up top with zarate support and antonio…. bring jelavic on for last 20/25mins once where 2-0 up…. fingers crossed

    This is a big game and the villa one where we will start to get dragged into mid/bottom table if we dont get a couple of wins soon… where as if we do win both were looking good for top 6/7

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • johnboy says:

    Made me chuckle bubs !!
    Some can hardly see the glass in front of their face ?
    Sigurdson , ayew , gomis ? Need to be shown special attention !!!
    Should be a good game !!

  • bubs says:

    Don’t know who slaven a giggles dad is but I am sure he is no love child,more like a drunk
    one night stand,but not sure Hippo drinks or had a good one in him,
    Just get over that sad old man and join the rest of us fans enjoying being entertained by a new manager and some great players,
    With the defence and midfield we have any of the top 4 mentioned should be good enough to finish off what is a poor Swansea defence,
    I am more worried about keeping their forwards quite,

  • Max Willow says:

    Well spoken dandapperwhu
    Irrespective of the formation (4-4-2 or 4-3-3), the combination of Zarate-Valencia-Antonio, should go all out for the fast, attacking start with the objective of the all important early first goal; before our opponents know what has hit them, and then, BANG!, hit them again, and set up the 2-0 lead before the half-time break, which should, in most instances, lead to a win. At 2-0, most opponents will go all out in an attempt to score and get themselves back in the game. As they surge forwards, Song, in his play-maker role, together with Cheikh Kouyate, can provide the counter-attacking passes to score a possible 3rd goal! This formation of Zarate-Valencia-Antonio, is our best option for goal-scoring until Lanzini and Payet are set to return. Then we will see some fire-works! Come January, we should sell Carroll off to Newcastle, in order to allow us sufficient funds to grab a decent striker, who can use his feet(!) to score goals; how about Das Bost?!

  • canchaz says:

    A blessing in disguise. I only wrote yesterday, that I hoped Valencia would be fit to start and it looks as if it’s going to be a ‘given’ now.
    On the negative side, I don’t see Carroll going anywhere in Jan. For starters, I doubt anyone but a struggling team would take the risk and they would want him on the cheap.
    I still get the feeling his constant selection is being driven more by DS ( who wants to get some of his cash back even if it’s only in playing time) than Slav’s desire to play him

    • Muckracker says:

      l’d say his constant selection is driven more by DG who is always singing his praises. Never heard DS (who clearly wishes we had signed Bony instead) say a kind word about him. But what does it matter anyway.

    • Roman says:

      Carroll is a dinosaur like our previous manager.Predictable how he plays and is slow to react. Yes the Dave’s are protecting their ill advised purchase.Perhaps Allardyce will risk it or McLaren??Here’s hoping?

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