
Big wage release as duo head for door


Simone-ZazaThe imminent release of Gokhan Tore and Simone Zaza is set to release a big wage bonus with which the Irons can play in the January window.

Tore’s farwell now looks nailed on with the Hammers surrendering the £2.5 million loan fee in favour of a £40k a week salary saving and Zaza all but on hs way after provng a massive flop.

He cost £5 million in loan fees from Juventus but wages in the region of £60k a week will top up the kitty for players to around £100k.

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The final acts in the duo’s short Hammers careers are all but played out with Zaza’s agent/father Antonio producing more clues to his departure in the regular series of mixed message.

After admitting the must buy clause became effective after 14 games not the 10 he’d mentioned last month, he went on to declare that he was especially open to talks with Napoli who have been speculated as suitors for his son.

This rather weakens his position when declaring in the same statement that he would be surprised if the striker doesn’t play 14 games for the Irons.

Sometimes it’s much easier to explain the move hasn’t worked out – end of. Meanwhile the Irons are on the look out for a right back and new front man!

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • jimbo says:

    Slav – I didn’t get passed the top Taylor Swift outfits on your link! Very enjoyable mate?

  • bubbles says:

    The Trootters love the glory of seeing their names linked to the top players who have no intention in coming to Hammers . They are a couple of barra boys running a market stall when they should be running a top 10 club . As for expecting a player to be good because he comes from a top club just imagine how anyone buying Noble ( I wish ) would feel . haha

    • Tiddy says:

      Not juch different to BFS who is still believe part of the Problem HE PUSHED FOR AC we could’ve had far better than injury prone Striker. On far less money too

  • essexclarets says:

    Maybe when you sign a full international player from the biggest club in Italy you would be right in thinking that you were getting a top player..

  • danielson79 says:

    I said it all the way through the transfer window, Domenico Berardi looks a perfect fit for us.

  • markro says:

    Letting all and sundry know that you’re going to spend big, simply inflates prices and was so clearly a mistake. I think it was probably to keep the fans happy at the time.
    Zaza was a fourth choice punt that went wrong, but he did have international experience with a major European side. He might have worked, as Sakho did when he was an owners’ punt. Ah, well.
    I like the look of Gabbiadini, who looks cultured compared to Zaza’s muscle/hustle.
    I’m not sure what else is out there.
    In an ideal world:
    1. Sakho will get his head straight and revert to the player he was
    2. Carroll will become injur y proof and terrorise defenders in the air
    3. Ayew will fulfil our expectations
    4. Santa will turn out to be real.

  • jimbo says:

    Unlike the Tore deal, which Slav pushed hard for and so he must take responsibility for, I reckon the blame for Zaza sits squarely with the Trotters. They lauded a superstar striker to anyone who would listen, and when Walthamstow market had none in stock who would sign, they panicked and found a poor imitation in the hope it all might work out for the best. Well it hasn’t nd cutting our losses now is the right thing to do. Perhaps, if the Trotters had kept their mouths shut, we would have spent £3m on Charlie Austin and would now be sitting in the top eight and less stressed?

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