
Bin the ticket ballot…refund the tenners!


moneyLike my associate Sean Whetstone I can see absolutely nothing to commend an end of season ballot for tickets or the tenner a time priority list idea.

Sean has made his feeling very clear in another blog on the site but I have just one question beyond what he has already asked of WHUFC.

How could a club with such great ideas for the future be so concerned of earning around £500,000 max from fans particularly after drawing widespread praise for offering offered rock bottom prices for Olympic Stadium season tickets.

£500,000k ? That’s not even the loan fee of an average defender and it’s not on.

As Sean points out there are likely to be around 25,000 on the list will be disappointed and out of pocket by £10 – that’s £250k .

The ballot is just another bad money making idea which could possibly net the same again and as a member of the ClaretandHugh Facebook Group points out: “It is also unfair that somebody can join the Academy now and have the same chance of getting tickets than those who joined at the beginning of the season. Please sort this out West Ham.

We have come so far but this is small time financial thinking where the fans are put in the front line so we suggest:

  • Bin the ballot now… and
  • Return the tenners to those priority list members who haven’t a cat in hell’s chance of getting a season ticket!

Now that would be BIG thinking!

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • slaven a laugh says:

    My mates had academy membership for about 7 years I think he said and though a lot of academy members probably bought season tickets this year he can’t attend every game because of work and is now due to lose out on the games he could attend to people who have only had membership for this season alone.

  • boltonhammer says:

    Awful system- how can it be fair on fans who’ve had membership for years that somebody else can buymembership now just to get a chance of tickets for highly sought after games and have just as much chance of success.
    Bin the ballot and stop new members joining- then give priority to those who’ve been a member for at least a year. Simple, fairer but doesn’t make quite as much money! Wonder what they’ll decide?

  • Michael Miller says:

    This stuff leaves a bad taste in your mouth – shameful money-grubbing from the Club, they should be ashamed of ripping-off their fans!!

    Sort yourself out West Ham!

  • pauljs7 says:

    I have academy membership but as I hadn’t heard anything about season tickets next year I signed up and paid the 10 pounds. When the email came round that my membership had put me on the priority list I found out that my £10 sign up had put me AHEAD of my membership entry!

    Don’t quite get the logic behind that one…

  • Hammer Tone says:

    Absolutely ridiculous & pathetic. All the club is doing is causing resentment amongst some fans when we should be all celebrating what is turning into a fantastic season & for what…about 6 or 7 weeks wages for Carroll…that’s all it comes down to..this amount is chickenfeed in the overall scheme of things.So short-sighted & basic greed at its worse!!

  • ssaunders says:

    Does anyone at West Ham get to see these complaints as I totally agree with both C&H and Sean. Come on West Ham do the honest thing.

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