Tuesday evening saw a meeting between representatives of West Ham United and the ‘ISC”- Independent Supporters’ Committee. The agenda was wholly concerning the recent ticketing price rises along with the withdrawal of price concessions for younger, older and less able fans. Readers will well know that the fall-out between Supporters and the Club led to the Boycott of last Saturdays’ Betway Cup and an absence of some 40,000 plus fans from the stadium.
Some 16,000 signatures were on the supporters’ petition to restore concessions and pricing by the time this meeting took place.
I confirmed in my piece last night that the club had ‘climbed down’ or ‘had a change of heart’ depending on your viewpoint, on ticket prices. The club confirmed: ‘It was restoring all price concessions for all match tickets outside of season tickets, starting with the home match against Chelsea to virtually the same status as per last season’.
This was welcomed by the ISC who ‘Thanked the club for this decision’. However, according to the ISC statement released today:
“The Increased ticket pricing for these matches remains as it is and represents upto a 27% price increase against last seasons’ prices. Furthermore there will be no refunds offered to supporters for tickets purchased for Aston Villa and Manchester City home games. The ISC is disappointed with this.’
The club apparently indicated some solutions might be available. Clarity is being sought on this from the ISC. Finally the ISC statement ends: “The ISC want as many supporters as possible to enjoy ‘affordable family football’ at the London Stadium in what promises to be a very exciting season for all West Ham fans.’
Now I’m no expert on this issue but it sounds like two sides moving closer together which can only be a good thing for the future of the club, after the animosity and mass boycotts which have taken place. We will keep readers of C and H updated with any further developments or comments from The Club or from ISC (Who’s Association Component parts are detailed below). For the avoidance of doubt I think I used to be a member of West Ham United Supporters’ Trust but my membership lapsed some time ago. I think!
Independent Supporters Committee comprises:
Pride of Irons; Inclusive Irons; Disabled Supporters Association;West Ham United Supporters Trust; West Ham United Supporters Club, Hammers United and Claret Members
Sorry Martin but that’s just BS to say 40,000 didn’t turn up because they wanted to boycott the game.
I suspect like me who is a ST holder and didn’t is that some people are on holiday but more significantly they were not interested in a friendly.
The stadium empty would have been my preference for the Betway Cup but not everyone is interested in the greater good.
Am I reading this correctly, when you say concessions restored outside of season tickets? Does that mean if I bought my child or pensioner parent a season ticket then I would not get a concession, and would need to pay full price, but if I bought them a ticket per game, I would then get a concession rate? Hope I’m reading this wrong!
I’m confused too does this mean that pensioners over 66 with a current season ticket, can relocate to their preferred area off the stadium and still use their concession rate?