David Gold has just announced on Twitter that Aaron Cresswell has agreed a new deal at West Ham.
He tweeted: I’m pleased to announce that Aaron Cresswell has committed his future to WHUFC by signing a new 7 year deal.”
The Hammers had promised an announcement earlier in the afternoon and for the Hammer of the Year to agree such terms after just one season is fantastic news.
However, the offiial site explained that the deal was for five years.
Cresswell told the official site: ““It’s exciting times for me to pen a new deal at West Ham. Thankfully last year was a good season for me personally to play every minute of every game, so it’s nice to finally commit my future to West Ham.
I jumped straight in the car, down the A12 and signed for West Ham. So for me to play for a club like West Ham, week in week out, is massive and these are exciting times.“It’s going to be a massive year for us, the last year at Upton Park. But it’s exciting times going into one of the best stadiums in Europe, even in the world. It’s going to be a good summer, hopefully a few more faces will come in and we’ll have a good year.”
I can see it is best for me to go back to my meditative garden.I feel a rabid sensation rising,lol,Ommm!! 😀
Well let’s hope no one looks at you funny…….don’t want you getting all upset again eh 🙂
That was a JOKE by the way :-)))
I dont get hot headed on forums anymore since hippo left.I am in a state of permanent calm.Unflappable & impossible to wind up 😀
Oops sorry mate…wasn’t actually meant for you 🙂
Hmmm,seems peace & good will to all men doesnt last long,lol.I guess even a saints patience can snap in the end.St.Bing has erupted 😀
Dont think Fobyac is ever going to make it into the UN Peacekeeping Force 😀
One of them might lol
Thats soul not ‘sole just in case you get offended & think im calling you an ar*ehole.
As I said earlier mate…water off a ducks back to me.
I was merely pointing out an incorrect statement…….but now I know it was a joke……well I can’t stop ****ing myself 🙂
Ahh **** you you sarcastic idiot.You carry on posting here,disagreeing with every comment a person makes just leave me the **** alone.You do my head in!!
It was you that posted about me mate.
I ve never mentioned you until then……so fine, I will leave you alone.
Jeez there’s some people on here who like to give it but act like a spoilt kid if you dare reply.
Lighten up fella
Yeah whatever,you are such a welcome addition to this site.I can tell that everyone is enthralled to have you here disagreeing with every f*cking comment they make.Must be me,then,sorry lads i have been such a pain on here.You all should have told me i was,lol.You ****ing tosspot!!
I haven’t actually disagreed with anyone….yet
I also haven’t called anyone an idiot, a tosspot or any of the other dozen or so names I’ve been called so far.
Again…..if you can’t take a tiny bit of banter mate then maybe you should think twice before you dish it out?
F*ck me i was joking Fob,dont be such a sensitive little soul 😉
Oh it was a joke? 🙂
How the **** wasnt it? I only said you had caught the ‘slag off’ disease.Whats to be taken so seriously.Wow,you really do make it hard work for yourself on here geezer.
Lmao,Fob spends all sunday ranting about *****ing other sites & people on them,less than 48hrs later he has caught the disease 😀
It’s highly contagious and there’s no cure lol
Fob could have saved alot of arguements sunday if he had just got it out of his system straight away.I mean come on,who actually believes he isnt a ***** at heart,lol.Im joking btw Fob,im too busy to argue atm 😀
The blanked word is B-i-t-c-h may i clarify before anything worse is inserted.Swear filter must consider said word bad 😀
You didn’t give me long enough to guess! I knew there was not enough for c**t too many for B*st*rd so my first guess was going to be pr*ck lol
Disclaimer Fob again I’m only joking too lol
Water off a ducks back mate.
If people get their kicks by posting this sort of stuff then fair enough.
Err Bada
I’m not actually slagging anyone off, I was saying I enjoyed some of the posters over there.
I dunno Fob coming over here going on and on about another site,it’s a bit much really lol
Damn it
I broke my own rule
I see how it can get to you now lol
Doesn’t take long for the rabid dog brainwash to work lol
Without getting shot i have to say that Banjo or Monkeys Bellend as he is known here is one of the more fun posters on there.He doesnt give a f*ck about the love-in bunch on there & im pretty sure if he was on here under another name you would all get on fine with him.It is the fools who think they are managers on there that irritate me most,lol
The endless formations are a bit tiring admittedly…….although most of them are from one poster
I like Banjo’s posts to be honest, he doesn’t take it too serious.
Rays a good poster too and I enjoy Johnsey’s comments, they mix up their posts with a bit of humour.
Johnsey is a doom merchant.He predicts the end of West Ham every day,lol ;D
He did go on a bit about the state aid subject.
But I find him quite funny, he certainly doesn’t just go with the flow and he does appear to know what he’s talking about.
We’d better be careful the all seeing ITK will be saying we’re lining him up as our next big signing,they’ll launch a thread Finding Banjo lol
But we are just an illeducated bunch on here,impossible to teach about State Aid which is just fine by me & my miniscule Gump brain,lol 😉
I’m the same plus I don’t even like Bob Geldof lol
Sam where are you,an appeal has gone out for you on wetpants.Banjo is missing you.I like Banjo bellend on there actually.I came commenting on here after the bellend incident but he is actually one of the more relaxed dont give a damn guys on there.But i know for most on here he is a cross between a fish/monkey/bellend & the devil,hahaha 😀
Haha I’ve seen that….”sending out an SOS sending out an SOS I hope that Sam will get my message in a bottle” you’ll have to excuse my voice lol
I have to say boys whenever I look he doesn’t seem too bad,maybe we missed the bad bits lol
Haha,he is actually fine from what i have seen on there.But i think the rabid dogs comment pushed a few over the edge on here,haha,he turned into their prospective next meal.Personally i dont like fish so he is safe with me 😀
Highlight of the day…
Where’s wally tonight? Sorry i mean kevin. Doesn’t seem right going to bed without his bedtime stories..
I like Kev he took sh!tloads of stick and still shine through in the end lol
Well I like a cake that’s got four sponges,three cream layers,two lots of jam and a lone cherry up top,as long as it’s been paid for by the government and been blessed by a mystic lol
What amount of yeast did you put in,what’s the jam to cream ratio when you say a lone cherry is that interchangeable with the possibility of moving to a 2 cherry formation with a lone strawberry just behind???
Yeast isn’t the key although important a couple of big eggs and tough flour to give a firm base and no room for the ticky tacky strawberries,we maintain the lone cherry no matter what with the aim of keeping a clean baking sheet and respecting the rise point of the sponge…..oh hold on I’ve been using BFSs recipe damn!
Well as Quick will tell you Sam we only promote peace and tranquility now ,we are a safe haven from all talk of cake,formation, state aid and Bradders…
Lol,im afraid i will have to swerve the inter site rivalry.It aint my thing.Besides i already have Liddy on my case,im going to keep quiet while i still have my undercarriage intact.I think it was in serious danger this morning,haha 😀
Lmao,i just read your joyful interaction with Vera Lynn.**** e she went into one for nothing.You only said something messing about,it is plain to see.I wouldnt worry chap.If someone can get so riled over something so small you are better off not getting invoved in that ****.You were quite calm actually.If that had been me i would have turned the air blue,lol.As for the clique comment you made,well the truth hurts.Dont matter what they say some of them are,its just fact! 😉
Which thread was it on zo i can go have a laugh?
Lol,essex,it is on the julian dicks thread about half way down.Good job i dont post there,i would permanently be in the poo with her if making a joke about women is unacceptable 😀
In the end it’s just a bit off banter I used to post there too ,some good uns as you say but no sense of humour when you disagree with them as proved by our illustrious visitor last night.
Ahh but she’s their pin-up possibly the closest some of them get to a woman. Wetpants Vera Lynn the forces sweetheart lol
Nope… billy no mates 🙁
I tried not to get too involved in the intersite spat over sammy boy. I made my view known & that was it. Had a few disagreement with some.
Lol,i dont think so now.I think i am forever on the naughty step.If you get grief off Liddy you are finished there.You have signed your own death warrant,haha.Im a dead man walking,lol 😀
Few cake recipes, chat about state aid develop a new 2 3 1 3 1 1 formation and you’ll be laughing mate…
**** state aid,im all state aided out.If i never hear the word again i will be a happy bunny 😉
How about Welfare cheats…?? The Daily Liar told the world over the weekend.
So Essex / Sam no invite to the ” Be careful what you wish for ” shindig at Rolfes gaff then?
Look i aint going to lie i like alot of the guys over there,though i know you lot dont,lol,but a west ham forum is a west ham forum,i dont care where i am.I just like talking footie & having a laugh or wind-up.Cant be arsed to say something joking & get ranted at for it.I dont go on forums for that,lol 😉
I have tried to get involved over the last few months, most eve’s I give up. Your right though some seem to be better than other’s
I dunno how you stuck it so long I’ve only read over there and you’re right loads of good guys sadly a lot who get ignored but it’s the patronising cliques that kept me away. Over here it’s some opinions and then silly stuff,no hassle for anyone,everyone welcome. And in no way was yesterday christened Sunday Bloody Sunday lol
Lol,thanks Quickdraw,but trust me it is nothing to celebrate having a pain in the butt like me turning up,,lol.Im afraid i dont do stats or team selections.Im just all about the banter.I like some of the guys on there actually but i dont need **** on a football forum so easier to not be there.I will just have to haunt you lot instead 😉
Wont you miss the nighly love in over there?? Seems like a closed shop at times.
I look forward to the witty banter Sam but you must remember the 1st rule of FONYBAC you must not take the **** out of others from other sites as its classed as obsession…
So the Cresswell story was a decoy. The big story is Sams P45 has come to visit and hopefully stay. Sadly you’ll find no professional managers,lawyers,doctors,statisticians politicians or any of the numerous experts Wetpants has to offer just us peace loving hippies lol welcome aboard
Hmmm,really,i thought the banner at the top didnt look the same,lol.Lets just say i am in self-imposed exile.I get enough grief of my missus without getting laid into on a football forum by a lady as well.But its cool.Im a Highplains Drifter,i move where there is no bounty on my head 😀
ahah…living legend… you’ve survived endless torments on wetpants… you’re invulnerable now. Welcome to the C&H Hotel, you can spend the night in the presidential suite. lol
Thanks Matte,but i just went there to have some fun & a little banter.Unfortunatly some cant take it it seems.Its fine,i can live with that.I look forward to a good nights sleep in the Pres Suite,i am honoured & will tip you handsomely in the morning 😉
You were lucky to last there as long as you did from what i saw of it.Usually if you wind them up the block button gets pushed,lmao.I used to read your p*sstake comments & wondered how you managed to survive.Clearly you didnt.
Nah not really mate.There are some good guys on there who like a laugh as well.Just dont need to get ear’ole off a woman when my own lady can do that 24/7 already 😉
ahah.. If you have any questions, I’ll be right around the corner. In case you can’t sleep, a documentary on the history of Sam Allardyce called “Empty Trophy Cabinet” is going to be airing soon, I recommend it, it’s a high potency sleeping powder. I wish you a good night Sir. lol
Lol,i have watched that one before,brilliant film,should have won golden globes & Oscars i believe 😉
So when you get blocked everyone of your posts disappear??
I must have been asleep, what did you do this time?? 😀 lol
Haha,hello essex.Dont know if i have been blocked,lol,aint been back.Oh i just made a joke about women be the ones that hold grudges not men.Only having a laugh but Liddy went into one,lol.Just cant be bothered with that rubbish,i was only messing about 😀
Woah,Sam,you are on the wrong site,are you lost.This isnt WHTID 😀
Top news,but we aint a ‘big club’…Yet.If a bigger boy wanted him for the right price he would be offski.He might have a longer bigger contract but also now any prospecttive buyer will have to pay out big now to get him with a contract of this length.The club are protecting their interests basically.
Good news but don’t go to bed
You mite not of noticed Michael,but we are now a big club!!
Underwhelming – just ensuring the Club would get a decent fee for him if a ‘big’ club fancied him!
This is good news, this proves We are no longer a selling club and want to challenge at the highest level. Cresswell could become another Julian Dicks, with his pace and in time Julian’s mentorship He will definitely play for England. So no Michael your wrong.
He is just another large piece of the Jig-saw the Gullivan Bros have put in place. COYI
I’m happy with the news but happier a new story is up a thread of 87 comments is hard to follow on a phone lol
Lol,i know what you mean essex,nothing like building something up with announcements about announcements for something which is basically a guy already under contract signing a new one.I know it is the type of announcement to make so people shoot their load but it is hardly earthshattering or worthy of the bs earlier,lol 😉
I think this is wonderful news, signed for 7 years 😀
He must have faith in the “project” – I can’t believe the good news story’s keep coming and coming – In feeling so happy about the club right now, everything is so positive
Oh & I think the deal will be 5 years with 2 year option… Making both lengths correct
Is that it….??? Cresswell signs another contract…!!
he was already tied down with his last contract…
great announcement… heres another one… Slaven Bilic has announced that the announcement that he announced last week was a correct announcement.
Great news,now Julian can teach him to defend as well as be a fantastic attacking force.
FFS I said that 5 hrs ago lol
Still at least it stimulated some in depth and intellectual debate