David Sullivan

David Sullivan has no plans to sell West Ham

David_Sullivan_gives_Hammers_signDavid Sullivan repeats that he has no plans to sell West Ham when the club moves to the Olympic Stadium. The Hammers’ majority shareholder insists he is in for the long haul and is desperate to establish the club as one of the best teams in the country before eventually handing over to his sons.
In an exclusive and wide-ranging interview with our friends over at Blowing Bubbles Monthly, the 66-year-old claimed he would only ever consider selling up if the deal would allow a huge injection of cash into the club’s playing squad. ‘If the King of Saudi Arabia or a multi, multi-billionaire – like the owners of Manchester City – wanted to take over and I felt it was for the good of the club, I would step aside but I really don’t think that will ever happen. ‘There aren’t many multi, multi-billionaires left out there that are interested in football and haven’t already got a club. In fact I don’t think there is one that exists!’
Elsewhere in the September issue of the magazine, Sky Sports’ Bianca Westwood defends former captain Kevin Nolan in her column.
I think he deserves a bit more respect and gratitude than he has received. Some fans feel that, because they go to the games and pay good money, they can say and do what they want. But these people have to remember that the players are only human. One thing you can never accuse him of was being lazy.  He worked hard for the team and did everything he could.’
Elsewhere George Parris writes in his column that West Ham now have the best squad ever compiled by the club in living memory and Nottingham Forest fan John Payne explains why West Ham have got a gem in Michail Antonio. Blowing Bubbles also asks whether or not West Ham were right to throw the towel in on their Euro dream and if Morgan Amalfitano should get a chance to redeem himself
The latest issue of Blowing Bubbles Monthly is now available to read for FREE on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.

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  • WestGoaHam says:

    Back to subject, DS ain’t gonna sell, BUT………..hahahaha

  • JimmyF says:

    Lmao,talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill.Ffs,Wetpants,Parrot & Poo.Who gives a damn.99% of the lads on both sites know it is only banter.So what if one of them calls me a w*nker,lol,i aint going to take it seriously or go over there to berate them.Yes we all support the same team but it doesnt mean we cant laugh at eachother or the crazy comments that people make on both sites.I think everyone should take a reality check & realize they are going well ott about a few p*sstake comments.Let the Wetpants guys call me what they want,some of it is funny actually.Monkeys Belend gives it out & takes it.Shame a few others cant handle a little banter!

  • rugbyirons says:

    Bianca, due to your job I would give you grace for not having to pay £50 to watch KN and therefore not really see how lazy and inept he had become. He has embarrassing in his last season which spoiled his first three years.At £50k A WEEK we have every right to expect a lot better.

  • HamburgHammer says:

    Liddy is a great person, believe me, she doesn’t deserve being called names or getting accused of crocodile tears. Fact is there are unpleasant people on every site and indeed you cannot really control them or put the house in order, unless you start issuing bans left, right and centre.
    Believe me, there are people on WHTID I get in regular verbal fights with and I certainly wouldn’t want to drink a pint with those particular keyboard warriors, no matter how long they may have been West Ham fans.
    Is it really too much to ask everybody to try and be a bit more civilised and think for a few seconds before posting personal insults or deliberately trying to wind people up ?

    • Radai Lama says:

      Look H,i aint got a clue who insulted Liddy,if they did they were out of order but i dont get the big deal about calling a site ‘Wetpants’,jeez i have seen lads on there refer to it as ‘Wetpants’ after a match thread frenzy,lol.As someone else said,i have seen this place called Parrot & Poo,lol,why should it offend me just because i use this site.I thought it was really funny actually.This site names thing is just getting blown out of all proportion.It harms no one & is just a bit of banter 😉

      • HamburgHammer says:

        I ain’t talking about this Wetpants and Parrot and Poo stuff, I just object to insulting fellow fans personally, no matter which site it happens on. But maybe I’m just a bit oversensitive in that respect…

  • Vic Hammertime says:

    I find this all rather bemusing.I read both sites regularly but rarely comment.Now i read that people are taking the term ‘Wetpants’ so seriously.Why? I have read guys on WHTID call this place Parrot & Poo & many other names.I see no one going from here to WHTID crying about this site being called ‘immature names’.It appears that what Liddy wants is for everyone on here to stop being ‘immature’ but then says she has no control over what people say on her site.So in that case who has control on here as to what people say.None of us either.Maybe she should get her own house in order before telling people here to grow up.Maybe start with that fool FOBYAC who says he intentionally tries to wind people up on here but is so stupid he admits to it others in a comment on WHTID!

  • Muckracker says:

    Charity begins at home Lids. Start by converting the “tiny minority” on your site of choice then you can preach peace to us here. And dont sound so sanctimonious. Thats why no we love the likes of Navajo and HH on here. If you are really trying to make peace then you are certainly going about it the wrong way, and all we see are crocodile tears. Not convincing at all.

  • SlimJim says:

    Im sorry but i really cant see the big deal here.Yes we all suport the same team but does it mean everyone has to have a love-in with eachother.I know guys in reality who support West Ham but they are certainly not nice guys & i wouldnt even want to talk to them let alone share a pint with them.I cant stand Russell Brand,do i have to start liking him because he supports the Irons,lol 🙂

  • StingRay Stewart says:

    Wetpants can stick the dove of peace up their arses.I dont forget so easily when they were ripping Hugh to pieces & calling us Rabid Dogs,Ignorant pigs & Animals because we wanted Allardyce gone.Now he has & they are all loving the Slaven ride & recalling the crappy days under Hippo.

    • HamburgHammer says:

      StingRay, you do realise those that were doing the name-calling were certain individuals who have their critics at WHTID as well, they are not speaking for anybody other than themselves. Don’t tar every poster on this site or any other with the same brush.

    • Liddy says:

      Nice. It was me who posted the dove and I’ve never even referred to Hugh, let alone ripped him to pieces or called any of you rabid dogs, ignorant pigs or animals. I wanted Sam Allardyce gone too. The people you are referring to are a tiny minority of those who post on WHTID and I don’t understand why you have to tar everyone there with the same brush. I really appreciate that GW met me halfway in trying to restore some harmony between two sites who both support West Ham but I’m just sorry that you’ve now all turned on him. Doesn’t the fact that we all support the same team mean anything to you? Oh well, I tried but I won’t be back. Sorry GW.

      • StingRay Stewart says:

        Lmao,no one has turned on him.I see nothing more than a bit of ribbing.As for some sort of peace.Yeah easy to say that but as i said i dont forget so easily what was said about us or Hugh by some your lovely guys.In fact only last week one of your fools was bragging on your site about how he wore it as a badge of honour to come here to p*ss us off.His words not mine!!

        • Liddy says:

          Ok, well I’m glad it is only ribbing because I felt bad if he was going to get grief because he met me halfway. I have no control over the actions of the people you refer to, they’re not ‘my guys’ it’s just a coincidence that they use the same site as me. I’ve been polite and reasonable and held out the hand of friendship to fellow West Ham fans. I’m sad that it’s been rejected. I’m sorry I got involved now and I hope you’ll just leave me in peace to support our team without any name calling or ridicule. COYI 🙁

      • Dainon says:

        Don’t tar everyone with the same brush .. And then we have all turned on him after 1 of 2 comments… Come on Liddy

  • Si Hammer says:

    Of course there are still billionaires out there who could buy a football club if they wanted & some that still will.As for Nolan,no he wasnt lazy,just past it & too slow for the premier league.He shouldnt have been picked.Hippo did him a disservice picking him,at least Bilic soon saw the problem.As for GW,thats like Martin Luther King joining the KKK 😉

  • TysonM says:

    Hahaha,Man Overboard!! Launch the lifeboats!! Its the equivalent of a Spud hater becoming one of their fans.Clearly he has developed a sweet tooth for cakes 😀

  • Bob The Iron says:

    Sod Sullivan.The hot news is that GW has gone to the dark side.After all his total disdain,p!sstake & general dislike of Wetpants & its patrons on a continous,daily basis there he is now having a love-in on there,lmao.F#ck me i have seen it all now,lmao 😀

  • johnboy says:

    No bianca !!!!!
    At 50 grand a week you have to deliver and he hasn’t delivered for 2 seasons ,
    He only played cos of that fat c**t allerdick !!!
    Hard working fans can only dream of earning 50g a YEAR so he had a duty to perform
    which he didn’t .!!!!
    You are right on one thing though ,
    We as fans are entitled to be critical, we paid for the right !!!

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