Saven Bilic cancelled his players’ day off, after their defeat to Southampton according to a Daily Mail report.
West Ham’s squad were due to have the Sunday away from training, but Bilic called them in to work.
Bilic is determined to find a solution, as he is reportedly aware of the pressure which is building on his job.
The Croatian is the bookies’ favourite to be the next Premier League manager who is sacked, and Bilic is said to know that his job is now not entirely secure.
As a result, West Ham’s players have been doing extra training to try and rectify their currently problems.
Baddow or Bladder? Full of p!ss!
Ha so it is the top story on all the news channels tonight but dont talk about it.I have only occasionally seen the man be mentioned on here in the last few months i have used this site apart from in a joking manner.
Why shouldnt our fans not be able to discuss him tonight when he is headline news for goodness sake..When this site is called Claret & Baddow then maybe i will listen…
Tone it’s a good day all round the intellectuals have been made to look like obsessives over a man who is bent as a 2 bob note and the Neanderthals who can’t read or write were the ones that called it from the start! Guess Claret and Hugh would have been the site of choice for Bobby, Ron and Lyall after all 🙂
He’s nothing more than a corrupt sack of ****e and I hope against hope that his sidekick Curtis is the next one in the firing line and as for the Wetties who sung his praises ,defended him to the hilt and called us illiterates,rabid dogs and non iron fans for saying he was a corrupt double dealing overrated pile of ****! Guess we were right on the money eh and you’ve just shown yourselves to be the uneducated ones after all so a ****ing good day all around 🙂
Shush GW.You cant talk about it or Baddowhammer will admonish you for mentioning it.For christ sake must we now only talk about what he thinks is ok.
Yeah the same old comments by the Sam obsessives who at the end of the day were spot on with everything they said! Sorry Baddow but after 3 years of being accused by some of trying to underdmine the club by having a go at the bent dung beetle I take great delight in what’s happened today.
Dont worry Slav you can always take the England job if it all goes sour for us haha 😀
Same old comments,by the same old Sam obsessives,change the record boys. COYI
Haha didnt realise you were the site monitor.Is there now a list of subjects people can talk about.Does it have to be squared off with you first.Should i change my name just for you? 😀
Well it is kind of quite topical,happening now news.Why the hell shouldnt we talk about it.Why does anyone need your permission to talk about something that happened tonight!!!
I will talk about whatever i want,i dont need your permission.I think every West Ham site is talking about it.Dont like it f#ck off.
You know what fellas i think many,many fans knew something didnt sit right with him.He had the trouble at Bolton previously & though he was not charged over anything it didnt feel right.Then he got caught up in that tax scam though he was an innocent apparently.Then there was the recent brand ambassador job for the betting firm which went south.
He is either the unluckiest man around or a double dodgy chap.Individuals can deciede that for themselves hehe
The funniest thing i find in this BFS saga is the fact that he asked his solicitors to sue Steve Kean when Kean doubted his intergrity a few years back hehe
Eddie we have been saying on here for the last two years if not longer that Hippo & Curtis would get what they had coming to them one day.But no we were wrong,just ignorant pigs on a ‘Witchhunt’.Yeah right sure we were wrong lol
I can recall when we we were saying that it stunk how so many of the players who stayed from the championship side & were still in the Premier squad two years on were in the main part of Curtis’ stable.I cant exactly remember the figures now but after two years back in the prem i seem to recollect that only 8 or 9 remained from the champo & 6 of them were Curtis players.
It must have been coincidence again.We are always wrong after all,just BFS haters who couldnt be correct.Oh no of course not,not us rabid dogs.
Relax Stan it is a good day to be one of the illiterate & rabid dogs who said BFS was a snide dodgy dealing w#nker for the last few years.In the face of experts who came here to tell us otherwise.Where are they now,burning their copy of The Telegraph along with their pipes & slippers.
All we need now is Curtis to get his collar felt & we have a full house.
Shambles lmao.Ok so now players aint allowed a day off.Ffs.
Let’s see att 16:45 on Saturday if it was a good idea.
Not that tough – think they were off today instead. Shambles!
Someone must have left Carroll and Dandolph off the circulation list!
They were doing circuits Michael, no one told Slav it was the pub and club circuit 😉
Slav gave them the day off on Sunday? That explains the result, then.