
Deadly Diafra’s back so here’s my final points tally

sakhoSak’s back and in my world that means anything is possible.
Yes of course we have Payet and I really do understand but with the club’s Number One striker up front even the main man becomes a far better player.
This has been repeated several times but after his goalscoring return against Everton at the weekend let’s remind ourselves of one simple fact.
With Diafra runnning the channels and dragging players out of position – a gift that only he possesses among our strikers – Dimi and Lanzini run into more and more space and create serious havoc.
I remember Palace defender Damien Delaney saying the same after our Selhurst Park victory erly on claiming that he was a seriously difficult player to keep under control.
With Sak up front, Reidy back at the heart of defence and Payet pulling the strings I really do see United having their work seriously cut out at the weekend.
And after that – despite the “oh dear they have a tough run-in brigade” creasing their brows I believe we can go into virtually every match as favourites.
I really am that confident. Why wouldn’t I be – it’s the way supporters of big and successful clubs carry on and we’ve beaten most of thebig boys anyway…why suffer an inferiority complex now.
So here’s how I see us performing over the remaining league games with my points tally at the bottom. If it turns out as I expect, then the aforementioned Diafra Sakho will have hd everything to do with it.
Chelsea ( away) 1 point 
Palace (home)    3 points
Arsenal (home)   3 points
Leicester (away)  1 point (they won’t do a treble over us!)
Manchester U (home) 3 points
WBA (away) 1 point
Swansea (home) 3 points
Stoke ( away) 1 point
Watford (home)  3 points

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • Stinger says:

    No Chance of staying unbeaten in the last nine game or getting anywhere near 68 points.

    Would love to see us get 60-63. If we did I would be over the bloody moon.


    Chelsea = Lose
    Stoke City = Draw
    West Brom = Win
    Leicester = Lose


    Palace = Draw
    Watford = Win
    Swansea = Win
    Arsenal = Lose
    Man United = Draw

    3 wins, 3 draws, 3 defeats. 12 points. A finish of 61 points, a Plus Goal Difference and a top 7 finish.

    That to me regardless of what then happens in the FA Cup would be an A+ Season for us and For Slaven Bilic.

  • COYI247 says:

    Not sure how it will pan out, but I can easily see us getting into the Champions league. Chelsea away could define things a bit – but I can see us overpowering them, even though, over the last 5 games, they are the top in form, and 2nd over the last 10 games (along with WHU + Spurs…and over the last 10, Leics are top). The biggest headache will be selection: Who does Slav leave out in the striking dept? For me, the only cert is Antonio…but all the others bring MAJOR qualities to the table in their different ways, which gives Slav so many options. Dreamtime for WHU!

  • bubs says:

    Kevin wash your mouth out with soap,even if you believe it how could you bring your self to write it,
    We have no option but to want Leicester to win the title as we are not going to do it,
    That’s why I had us down to loose to them not because I believe it,

  • kevin says:

    Chelsea away : 1pt , palace home : 3pts , gooners home : 3pts , Leicester away : 3 pts ,
    Man Utd home : 1 pt , west brom away : 3 pts , Swansea home : 3 pts , stoke away : 1pt ,
    Watford home : 3pts …. = 21 + 49 = grand total of 70 ( champions league )
    To my reckoning it looks like we will help Tottenham win the League with Leicester finishing second .

  • mooro66uk says:

    Absolutely Bubs by far our most intelligent and deadly attacker. If he`d been fit all season we would have been way up the table now. COYI X

  • bubs says:

    Chelski away win 3 points,Palace home win 3 points,Gooners home draw 1 point,Leicester away defeat 0 points ,Manure home win 3 points,WBA away win 3 points,Swansea home win 3 points,Stoke away win 3 points,Watford home win 3 points
    Total 71 3rd place
    Sakho to score 10 goals in the last 11 games ( semi and final )
    If he stays fit till the end of the season he will regain abound keep his number 1 starting place,I also think he will link with Antonio better then others
    Our problem is who will fill the wide left side role Valencia with Payet more central or Payet playing wider giving Lanzini a more free role
    Either way Carroll,Emineke,Moses will spend a lot of time warming the bench
    Sakho is a must he links play better then any other forward

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