David Sullivan has announced to ClaretandHugh that Dimi Payet will not be sold and that we are building a team around him.
Here’s how CandH facebook members responded at https://www.facebook.com/groups/363174467150521/
O Great news from sullivan but to be on the safe side i’d still stick a hefty price tag on him
O Idiots don’t these people who go on about him playing CL football realise he’s already done it for Marseille.
O That was exactly the right message to come from the club this morning. Not that it will stop the rumour mill from trundling round.
O Well let’s see if he sticks to his word
O Sincerely hope that he doesn’t move and don’t think he will but we all know that contracts and what the clubs say means nothing once a player makes his mind up to move.
O How many players have actually stayed after their clubs have told them they are not moving – eventually it happens and Payet will be no different
O Just not for a while, please, Mr Payet!😉
O Payet seems a decent fella I know money talks. Bbut he loves our fans amd knows he is number one. He wouldn’t be at Real or Barca. I think he’ll stay put and make himself a legend.
Right NOW LISTEN ALL OF YOU. i HAVE ASKED FOR NO silliness. This is a footbll site. You are all dredging up the past rather than talk about football. If you can’t leave the issues alone that caused some of the problems in the ofirst place, we will go back to where we were last night. One more comment on this and the moderator is back. IT’S UP TO YOU END OF.I’VE TRIED T BE FAIR – IT IS NOW BECOMING DIFFICULT TO CARRY ON BECAUSE OF THIS ABSURD you sais I said rubbish. I have deleted ALL the new comments. This is now a clean sheet. It’s up to you. If one person decides to start again I’ll moderate or close this down altogether because the FB group is the best place anyway.
Stop the rowing please – move on. You all now the score. This is about football and West Ham – cheers
Thanks Hugh
Now it’s up to us,
The automatic moderation block has been lifted. However we reserve right to bin comments and users in the event of continued unacceptable and legally dodgy submissions. Cheers guys
@essex mate I can only act as advised. I am told this is what I must do and will wait for those who are disappearing because they are upset to do so. Racism sexism and often horrendous language cannot and should not be protected by disclaimers. There is nowhere to place them anyway but personally I would not see that as an option even if there were. personal standards count. several have left becos of the awful contributions by some. I want all forums used as widely as possible and our FB one has 2k members largely because it is obscenity and abuse free and all feel comfortable. I will lift individual monitoring later but any return to the problems we have had will mean it will need to be reintroduced
Not not no
There checked my own spelling
Now you have explained what’s happening Hugh I for one will stick with our site and watch what happens,
Come on lads we have stuck together for along time and not let anything spoil our views or humour,
At least I have no been tear gassed for just being a fan,
This what a few idiots have made happen, even now the main topic is people taking the ****.
Hugh if you have been legally advised to moderate how can other sites allow practically anything to be posted? Don’t other sites have a disclaimer next to the comments box saying the comment posted are not the views of the website? Don’t get me wrong i’m not knocking you as it is what it is. posters feel like they are being treated as kids which could lose you half the regulars on here.
Teddy you ain’t the only one, so I bid all on here that have shared some good old banter a fond farewell. Cheers all and arrivaderci
Be good Ted,cant say I blame you lol
Well fellas I’m quitting.I am 61 years old & am not going to post to a site where my comments get the thumbs up or down.That on top of being called a troll with multi IDs. I’m a grandad,as if I can be bothered to have multi IDs.Thanks for that accusation.Its been good to briefly interact with you fellas,look after yourselves.There are plenty of other sites where you don’t get accusations levelled at you & you can say what you want!
I feel sorry for you Teddy. I don’t know why that “kind” user called you troll, from what I’ve seen you’ve always been a nice person with a great sense of humor. But, you know, we are nasty wolves while they innocent lambs… poor little kids. Don’t worry, if this is the trand, many others will follow you, I for one. Arrivederci my friend 😉
Particularly when this place is getting dumped on by a few tonight elsewhere but we must be like angels.Grrrrr 🙂
Come on Hugh if someone’s out of order just bin them off! This moderating lark ain’t happening elsewhere is it?
There have been remarks passed here over recent weeks that could have landed me in court on numerous charges. I was legally advised it had to be stopped or the site itself was in danger. Moderation is entirely normal – that’s why WordPress gives the option and IT IS employed by every national nespaper. I cannot have situations where legal action ot whatever IS threatened against CandH. Once we see all is well we will re-assess it again and allow comments to appear as in the past and if a problem THEN binned. Sorry to the majority of you but it’s how it has to be FOR NOW AND hopefuly that will be only two or three weeks. Big breath lads. Freedom of speech and all that is only ok if it doesn’t cross the line and I’m advised it has
If being dumped on doesn’t worry me why does it worry you lot. We are No 3 behind whufc.com and kumb.com with the rest miles behind. Who cares? Let me stress this not permanent but we need a cooling off period. I will let you know the minute we return to “normal.” And it won’t be very long
OK,i see your point Hugh.Message received & understood 😉
Top man Rick. No way are we old tarts over here but we have to protect the site and users mate. It will return to normal – let’s just cool off a bit
Have to say this moderating lark is a farce, 44 years old and vetted for every word while our dear old friends at the Internets destination of choice can talk about anything.. Something ain’t right here.
Matte is still alive,i missed that.This is complicated.Comments appearing all over the place.One is getting rather confused gentlemen.Maybe I will see you at Polo club tomorrow for light refreshments lol
Lmao,good to see you are still about bubs.I was worried you had been booted.This moderation thing is useless.I posted a comment earlier & it appeared about one hour later.I dont know if Matte & Radai are banned or just havnt managed to get a comment through the comment police yet.Guess if you can manage it anyone can lol 😉
The bar has no time table if it’s open I can walk there and money in my pocket it’s a probable,
It might be my only way of talking to the great football fans in the future,
How long does moderation take any way ?
What happens if the moderators go sick or are watching Eastenders or baking a cake,
Who are they ?
Who do they surport ?
Who checks to see if they are good at there job ?
What if the Cookie Monster cracks there system ?
What about Kevin ?
How does this work now,I think of something the common sense police spend some time deciding wether they want us to participate or not then we become the Walking Dead,
Hope some common sense kicks in before the best football site on the net becomes an also ran and the wetties must be loving this,
Can’t wait for my next cake recipe
Do they change my grammar and spelling as well ?
Am I the only one that is seeing this right now or will it change when someone makes a complaint ?
Just having a quite day reflecting on a great day for Woy,just had to bring his boy on ( Milner
I know I go on about it, but Rooney was world class playing out of Position,why did he need taking off,
I would not put Milner on our bench a nod he let the provider walk pass him,
But not knocking our players or that fact we should have won,
Don’t know about the moderators or anything else but this site will get pass the new app situation as we are ardent true West Ham Fans,
We will beat Wales and Slovakia so last nights result is a bad one for Wales because they need a result against Russia and I think they will struggle
This site has become wonderful: no OT comments, very diplomatic and above all very very funny. Thank you, thank you and thank you… Payet, what a womderful player, please don’t sell him Davids. Thank you, lol 😉
I totally agree my Italian friend and I hope this message finds you well and that you have managed to spend the day relaxing after a night of Figa hunting?
Yeah it’s a laugh a minute isn’t it Matte.Now I know what it is like to live in China lol 😀
I shall remain on thread as required on all posts, Dimi is French and a outstanding player.
Yes GW I agree,very good player,certainly not a fraud wouldn’t you say 😉
I concur Rick his ability knows no bounds, maybe we should discuss numerous formations and look into all his stats so to make a informed decision?
I see free hits are being taken already now we are gagged.Sorry I mean free kicks 😉
I cant quite picture bubs on a rehabilitation course can you.It might interfere with his timetable for going to the bar lol
I’m afraid the moderators a blocking anything they don’t agree with or like.
What like your comment now.I would have thought that would have been blocked if what you say is true lmao Sites are no better than useless when moderated.You would have more freedom of speech in North Korea 😉
Bloody quiet on here,can no one get their comments past the moderators or are bubs & the others on a rehabilitation course 🙂
harry kane looked world class last night eh?danny rose what a player the germans,french,spanish must be ******* a brick at the moment.:):):)
Exactly Scotty, England don’t have a single World class players and the ones that migt prove themselves to be World class are never given the chance, e.g. Vardy and our own Antonio who I think could step up, there is no one exactly like him in English football most likely because he wasn’t coached. Every commentator was raving about how well we played against Russia from the first minute to the last I was watching a Russia team that allowed an average England side space for 94 minutes and that average England side lacked penetration, lacked guile and could only score one goal, if you watch it again see if at any point you can see a Russian player closing an English opponent down, we were sh1te a bunch of thick overcoached athletes against a team that would have lost against most teams in League two never mind international level, 10 out of 10 for athletic prowess Roy 1 out of 10 for ability and attainment and 0 out of 10 for international management. Bring on the sun headlines to see the end of Owl faces employment and highlight the FA’s inept ability to choose a coach with a mind of their own.
in case you’re wondering the last line was a play on hansens words which has been edited out,its a word the fans of roys fav club like to call themselves.
It would never happen while I have a breathe in my body that I would support anyone other than England.The running down of England on the forums today is pathetic.I was in a bar with hundreds in it & apart from the late goal the vast majority thought we played well.Maybe it is a case of people who like to moan can find anything to moan about or look for anything to moan about.Its all a little sad in my view.
He stays and helps with the building of this club and be adhored , or he leaves and becomes a scumbag ? Either way it’s out of our hands , and everyone will be sad and pi££ed if he does leave , but on a brighter note I would personally like to thank Woy for a marvelous display at the back against a team that was missing 4 first choice players and , who chose to play for a draw but after going a goal down came back and showed that rose is a complete waiste of space at defending and given another day dire would have made it 2 in 2 into his own net , and we haven’t played a team of note yet ? Not long to wait now ?
I never thought the day would come I was rooting for wales , Ireland , and France in front of my beloved england ? Sad or what !!
My hatred of the spuds and woy is deep !!!
Would be unbelievable if we do manage to hold on to him but wouldn’t begrudge the fella if he went off to play for a champs league club.
Mind you would he be a regular and the main man at one of the club’s which have a realistic chance of winning the champs league?