
Gloves off…Sam takes on our Nigel



Sam Allardyce unwittingly found himself answering a tweet from ClaretandHugh’s Nigel Kahn under his twitter handle @mywhufc on Goals on Sunday.

Here ‘our Nige’ gives us his exclusive view on Sam’s performance and what he made of his response to a very direct question. 

Kenneth Williams

Sam Allardyce

Angry Sam

Kenneth Williams

“Infamy, Infamy, they have all got it in for me”cried Kenneth Williams when playing Julius Caesar in Carry on Cleo!

And as I watched Sam’s appearance on “Goals on Sunday” I swear I heard him say the same.

Host Ben Shephard, tweeted that Sam was a guest and that questions would be very welcome.

Talk about red rags and bulls – the fans piled in with the unrepeatable but as Ben had asked  for them to be fair and balanced I gave it a shot.

I asked:“Does he think he can win over the fans who want him out and in what way is he reputation unfair?’

Pretty fair and balanced I thought and presumably Ben did too, breaking the question down to how Sam thought he could win over the fans.

The manager’s reply came across as part dismissive and part fantasy leaving me believing he is so detached from what the fans think, he doesn’t get it at all or that he really is as arrogant as I think he is and just doesn’t  care.

Curling his top lip and  shaking his head he said: “It’s only a small minority” adding: “Social media gives the small minority a platform to criticize.”

My favorite bit came though when he claimed to have done research and has found out that half of the small minority have never been to the game.

Small minority, Really? What does he base this on, what research has he done? I mean, I can’t imagine Sam sitting down after the game and trawling round the WHU forums checking out what was being said, because if he did he would know it was neither “small” or a “minority.”

Not one of the  tweets in reply to Ben’s original plea for questions was complimentary. In fact the vast majority basically asked  Sam to do one and leave but not quite as politely as I choose to put it!,

And by claiming it’s the fans on social media who are on the rampage, is he forgetting the boos that rang out after the Hull win, or even during the game for his first or second substitutions which were followed by a chorus of “You don’t know what you’re doing” sung by the Bobby Moore lower choir.

Sam continued that we are only in our second Premier League season and have not been there for five or six years.

Bit of research needed Sam because believe it or not 5 or 6 years ago you will find that West Ham were in the Premier League, and that in the history of the Premier league, 22 years now, we have only spent four seasons out. To say we are new to it is just not true.

Watching him, I get the impression he just does not get what iS going on with those who are complaining. He goes on about all fans moaning about losing three games on the trot.

But he fails to understand it’s not the defeats but the manner of them. It’s the way he sets his team out, the use of the players at his disposal.

Blimey Sam, did you not get it when you were slated after BEATING Hull? Most West Ham fans I know are not there because of the victories or defeats but the way they are attained.

When getting stick off other fans I at least used to be able to say: “Yeah we may lose more than we win, but we do it with style.”

Not now, that’s been taken away by Sam and his Pro zone, statistical, respect the point brand of anti football.

I never accepted him from the start, I am just glad the others are catching up.

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon

1 comment

  • Michael Miller says:

    Yes he does seem to be on another planet from the rest of us and I think he doesn’t give a toss about what the fans think!

    I am a Season Ticket holder but after that display against Palace I’m having really serious thoughts about not renewing.

    I was at a loss to understand why he took Jarvis and Downing off when we needed to get back into the game. My brother and I left when the extra time board went up and we were watching the last throes on one of the TV’s on the Concourse, after Tomkins lumped the ball up towards Carroll THREE times I had just had enough…..

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