
Hammers try to help fans but big clubs win


MoneyballPremier League chairmen yesterday failed to give any help to away fans by pegging the price of tickets at £30.

The 20  clubs, despite being awash with money over the next three seasons (£5.1bn domestic and £3bn overseas), were divided by an 11/9 vote in favour at the end of the travelling away fans debate which took up more time than any other issue in a five and a half hour meeting. To succeed a minimum of 14 clubs will need to vote in favour

The big clubs – led it’s believed by Arsenal were – as usual, against the sensible and fair proposal to cap away tickets at £30.

Claretand Hugh understands that West Ham and Everton were vociferous in their support of helping the fans by pegging the ticket costs.

The issue will now be raised again at the March meeting of Premier League chairman nd David Gold – an advocate of pegging for years – will no doubt be battling with others to push through the measure for next season

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • Vintage Claret says:

    You don’t need a vote to decide ticket prices. if West Ham want to cap the away tickets at £30 they can do so. sounds like hiding behind the vote to me.

  • hammersfan01 says:

    The 11 should band together and introduce their own cap – let’s then see how long the other 9 can stomach the rotten publicity that they would invariably get.

  • Dagenhamjohn says:

    Liverpool, 77 quid for a ticket, also the same for a kid if i’m not mistaken, how is that then?

    they are planning a walkout in the 73rd minute against sunderland i’ve heard.

    every club has a right to price its own entrance fees within reason, has nothing to do with Prem rules!

  • johnboy says:

    Name them now so we know who they are ??? Arsenal , Liverpool , Chelsea , spurs !! Who else ??? I reckon them 4 are part of the 9 wraiths !!! We need them to come under the one banner to bind them ?

  • johnboy says:

    I’m with you day john !!! Nothing to do with pl?

    • Dagenhamjohn says:

      evening Johnboy, the walkout is to be staged at the 77th minute hence the ticket price 77 quid,
      the PL does not dictate what the clubs or owners have to charge for matchday tickets!

  • West Ham Fan No 32 says:

    It should be an absolute nobrainer to reduce the price of away tickets, going to an away match in another town or city or country is expensive and takes a lot of time, it also adds a lot to the atmosphere of the matches, the fans that show that commitment should be rewarded not penalised by the greedy few.

  • Dainon says:

    The Daily Mail has a piece in which Charlie Sale says we voted AGAINST the £30 cap along with Arsenal, Man U, Man C, Liverpool, Spuds, and Chelski

  • oldgit says:

    West Ham cannot lower their away fan prices alone. The greedy clubs will still get their income but West Ham will be the only club to suffer. It has to be an agreement by all clubs.

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