
Heavy handed stewarding claims among disabled


disabledWe feel we simply have to publish this Facebook comment posted by a disabled Hammers fan.

Nobody from ClaretandHugh witnessed the alleged incident and we publish it because should it be true – which until proved otherwise we have to – this is seriously out of order.

ClaretandHugh has no desire to whip up further unrest around the London Stadium but hope that the club will look into this matter.

Heavy handed stewarding has no place on such an issue and we hope this is raised as a matter of urgency with the stadium operators.

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • West Ham Fan No 32 says:

    There are some good cheerful stewards but I watched it all the Boro fans storm back in from the bar after they scored the goal and all the stewards of which their must have been 50 did nothing except look confused and wait for a few police to arrive. They are absolutely pointless a bit like us most games this season admittedly 😉 but in the event of a major incident God only knows what would happen !!!

  • mattwareherts says:

    Yep I saw this too – I sit bm upper and saw the guy arguing with the steward whom spent most of the half time shaking his head and called over two of his buddies to ensure there was no chance of common sense

  • Hammer76 says:

    This did happen I’m 3 rows in and saw it all go off just need some common sense from these stewards. Guy was trying to explain but steward didn’t give a flying.

  • Dave says:

    As I was going back to my seat there was a lady on crutches in discussion with a steward who would not let her through as she had the wrong wristband on
    He was trying to make her go all the way back in a loop rather than walk across the platform to her seat
    I basically told the steward where to go and helped the lady through
    This happened despite the lady’s daughter pleading with the steward

    There was also an incident inside the lounge where I was with a steward re drinking up time
    The majority I have dealt with are clueless

  • taybridge says:

    Seems. Like they (so called stewards) Are picking on easy targets monkeys peanuts springs to mind

  • HammerForLife says:

    “should it be true – which until proved otherwise we have to” Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Hearsay and nothing more. Not helpful at all.

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