The club has made it clear there are two options available on monies owed to season ticket holders with 5/19ths being repayable via a refund or by leaving it in our accounts to be deducted off the next full season.
Given this was money I never expected to receive when I bought my season ticket I’ll be leaving the outstanding dough where it is and if that helps the club fair enough.
This isn’t about supporting Gold and Sullivan but the club and in the current circumstances I find it hard to see an alternative.
I was among those screaming for players and staff to accept cuts in wages as the Covid19 bite hit us so badly financially along with every other club.
I just feel It would be hypocritical to have asked others to do what I’m not prepared to do myself which in two words amounts to “HELP OUT.”
Cash flow is important in these times and I don’t see any point is asking for a refund when it can be used for the next full season anyway.
We cannot possibly know when or if a new season will start and under what conditions. My wife is clinically vulnerable and I could not risk her health. So I will not go to matches unless it is considered safe to do so. I happen to have a seat in the Boleyn Bar and have not received any written communication from the club. I may be cynical but it brings into question the even handedness of the club. The playing staff chose not to pay cut and that was their rite. Ticket holders must do as they see fit and act accordingly.
You can by no means be certain that there will be fans at the ground when the new season starts. I have seen speculation that the whole of next season will be behind closed doors although I don’t think that will be the case. I do think that my age group 70+ will be the last group to attend games and that might mean only getting to half of the games….if all goes well. What I’d like to know, and the Club can’t possibly know at the moment, is what happens regarding my season ticket if I can’t attend games for all or a large part of next season. In view of these presently unanswerable questions I shall reluctantly seek a refund.
Absolutely agree and my wife and I will do the same. I don’t want a windfall at the expense of the clubs cash flow and will happily and gratefully accept a credit. The club are doing the right thing and so will we.