Today the FA published Jon Moss’s report from the match between West Ham and Chelsea to reveal what went on at half time.Moss wrote: “When myself and my colleagues left the field of play at half time, as we entered the tunnel area to get to our dressing room, Mr Mourinho the Chelsea Manager was waiting for us clearly agitated and began aggressively asking about first half decisions.
“Rather than publicly speak to him I asked him to step into the entrance of my dressing room escorted by Simon Sutton, the West Ham United Security Manager. Mr Mourinho asked me about a tackle, an offside and a goal line clearance.
“I gave him brief answers to his questions. After this I asked him to leave the dressing room area. He refused. I asked him again. After he refused again I asked Mr Sutton to escort him from the room.“At this point Mr Mourinho became very aggressive and animated. He shouted that you f****** referees are weak…Wenger is right about you…you are f****** weak. I advised Mr Mourinho not to take his position in the technical area for the second half due to his actions.”
He’s right, most Referee’s are weak between the ears – particularly Anthony Taylor!