
Kudus has struggled with back problems for weeks


Kudus has struggled with back problems for weeks

West Ham‘s Mohammad Kudus has struggled with back problems for weeks. But he shook off another to play in Ghana’s World Cup 1-0 qualifying defeat against Comoros today writes Hughie Southon. West Ham have revealed  they had deep concerns when they read that he had not trained because of the problem as he has been having issues in that area for several weeks. Relief is the key Hammers word tonight.

Kudud-West Ham

Kudus has struggled with back problems for weeks

Their first reaction when learning he was to be on the bench was of anxiety that he would not be thrown into the action and suffer another setback. That he has come through successfully is a huge relief inside the club and he will now make his way back to Rush Green to be checked out as the problem may not have been completely cleared up.

Our source said that long flights  – as will be the case here – certainly don’t help the condition one little bit and with the player will need as much recovery and rest time as he can get when he is back in England. He told C and H exclusively: “We are just deeply relieved all is well and that hopefully he will be involved at Burnley but it has been a worrying couple of days. He has had back problems for several weeks.”

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

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