Mark Lawrenson has made one of his ultra rare prophecies.
The BBC pundit reckons the Irons will score a 2-1 win over Blackburn Rovers and thus advance to the quarter finals of the FA Cup.
Maybe the pressure from the Irons fans is is finally getting to the old boy who says we are a ‘decent side’ even without their ‘outstanding individual’ Dimitri Payet.
He said: “I think everyone has realised that West Ham are a very good team – now they just have to keep going.
“The Hammers also have an outstanding individual player in Dimitri Payet but, even when he is out, they are still a decent side. They have also come back late in a few games which shows they have resolve to go with that quality.”
Here we go again giving the mug conversation . Weve all had our say on the idiot , its time to ignore the ctnu once and for all. Ffs.
I prefer it when Lawro says WHU will lose as he tends to get the result wrong. In recent weeks when he actually said we would win we lost and the following week he said we would draw he actually got that right. BUT 90% of the time he says we will lose and a high percentage of these times we prove him wrong. I just hope that this weekend he is right but I am predicting a clean sheet against them and at least 2 goals for us. COYI
That’s a worry the ****’s always wrong !
As Mark Lawrenson has proven throughout this entire season, his so called, expertise as a football pundit. is actually non existent. Like many other so called experts, He made a decision before a ball was kicked in anger, as to how the season would unfold. The so called (Big Boys) would fill the top places, and those who have struggled in recent years would continue to struggle. An expert would of course analyse and review his initial thoughts on a match by match basis. taking all the facts available to him and re-evaluing them as the season evolves. But what Mark Lawrenson has done is stick to his guns. refusing to divert from his initial thoughts despite all evidence to the contrarary. That is not expertise, it’s bigotry. Hense we have Mark Lawrensons league table that only compares to the real league table in one respect. Aston Villa are bottom.