
Noble: ‘Fans don’t understand” – the reaction!

West Ham skipper Mark Noble – in defence of criticism of his form this season – has explained that some fans don’t understand the game .
He told Sky Sports HQ: “If I am really honest, a lot of people who now go to football don’t really understand the game. Football is a game of moments now and if someone does four step-overs, they’ve had an incredible game. That’s not something I do. It’s just football, you’ve got to live with it.”
Here’s how fans on Claret and Hugh’s  Facebook forum @ reacted.
6MarkNobleO Couldn’t agree more. That much is obvious from being sat just about anywhere in any stadium, reading any thread of fan comments, or listening to the bilge churned out on radio phone-ins. Worst part is people don’t even know what they don’t know.
O I love Mark, but I had to question myself how much he understood of the game when he gave the ball away prior to Chelsea’s opener the other week…
O Noble is probably right with a number of his points however to openly dismiss the fans like that could possibly fuel the flames and can only be described as unwise. The best way to silence any critic is to perform on the pitch
O That suggests he should answer critics he doesn’t respect the opinion of by doing things he doesn’t value e.g. four step-overs every game. It doesn’t matter if he fuels flames; people should take the criticism of their opinions the way he is expected to take criticism of his performances.
O He’s probably right, and why should he choose his words carefully? If anyone on the C&H facebook group got the kind of criticism he has had, I can’t imagine there would be much mincing of words!
O Mr West Ham needs to remember who pays his wages. We all have our opinions, some positive, some negative. Think Mr West Ham is on thin ice now, accusing fans of a lack of football knowledge.
O The club pays his wages. Not fans. And anyway, is he wrong though?
O  I agree with him. If you haven’t had involvement with professional football or even semi pro you won’t understand full how football works. I don’t agree with the fact that you have to do 4 step overs to have a good game.
O I’m comparing Mr West Ham last season, with Mr West Ham this season. He’s been poor this season in comparison. I qualify to comment as I played for my school. 🙄
O I never really I didn’t understand that fouls in the wrong areas, misplaced passes and dreadful decision making was something to criticise fans for!

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • Swanie says:

    I totally agree John but remember these type of fan are probably the same throughout life.If not moaning all the time on blogs then down their local Homebase or Sainsburys moaning about everything.
    Its who they are.

  • Hammer64 says:

    Well said John.

  • Macca says:

    Never a truer word spoken John.
    I honestly believe there is a % of fans who only use them to moan.I struggle,really struggle to find anything positive a few have ever said.Its one continous petty rant after another.
    Im so happy i dont know them or go to matches with them.

    This fan site is pretty mellow usually compared to some and their daily sad sacks.

    • John says:

      Yeah Macca I’d say this site is supportive of the club but not blindly supportive and it’s from that base that posters comment. Not sure if that’s mellow or not but it makes it a nicer place to post. Certain sites just have posters that want to fill the column up with their thoughts 24/7 and they think if they repeat their lies and viteroil enough then it becomes fact. There comes a point where you wonder why they claim to support West Ham.

  • John says:

    One of the reasons I loved supporting West Ham was the fans. Demanding but fair, loyal and informed. They respected loyalty and that was why Ince and Defoe got so much grief. I’ve fallen out of love with our fans a little of late, not just over how they’ve turned on Noble but also how they’ve turned on the club and our board and the owners. These blog sites breed a different sort of “supporter” to those I grew up with and I’m sure I like them anymore than I like a Spud fan. Sad.

  • Radai Lama..Paid up member of Slavs Chavs. says:

    Hippo Head was always welcome to reply to my abuse 66 but he was always too busy practising his moves on the dance floors of Dubai & Marbella 😂😂
    I struggle to give Nobes too much,the geezers has put his heart & soul in to our club,yeah i dont rate him as some sort of top midfielder but he doesnt deserve the total shyte thrown at him.
    Where as Hippo Head did 😂😂

  • mooro66uk says:

    Some so called fans have been giving him dogs abuse for months now. When he says something he’s out of order and dissing the fans, not allowed an opinion and slagged again. Pots and kettles fellas. Don’t expect one way traffic when you criticise someone.

  • Hammer64 says:

    He is having a bad run. Probably needs to be rested. OK. But please you moaners- show a bit of class. The guy has always done his best for the club. He could have bailed out in 2011 but didn’t. He has never let the club down off the field. As for the claim that he is ‘dissing’ the supporters, well…just grow up.Just a bit of gratitude would not cause your kn*****s to drop off.

  • TRB says:

    Mark Noble is right………but then so are his critics. Too many fans don’t understand the game, and Mark has had his poorest season since he became a regular. When you have Noble, Kouyate, Obiang, Nordtveit, Lanzini, Feghouli, Snodgrass, Antonio and Fernandes to select five from, Mark doesn’t make my cut.

  • mywhufc says:

    Fans moan about the disloyalty showed by Payet, while slating the most loyal of players we currently have.

  • Radai Lama..Paid up member of Slavs Chavs. says:

    Lol i have stayed away from here since Saturday but after i heard nothing on the BBC News about a football team & manager being lined up against a wall in front of a firing squad i thought it might have quietened down by now.
    Nope 😂😂😂

  • djsteves says:

    I might not know anything about football and am just some mug punter to this slow, tired old has-been but he should read (if he can read) kante’s interview yesterday in which he talks about moments and how missing just one tackle (or playing say a missed placed pass to a Chelsea player) can lead to a goal. It was brilliant to read how a guy who is head and shoulders the best midfielder in the league, and quite possibly the most valuable player in the league, goes home and watches videos of every game so he can spot every mistake, every bad moment, then works his socks off to make sure the those “four” moments don’t happen again! Always defended noble as he’s one of our own. But I know who I’d rather have!

  • claret says:

    Well Mr Nobles comments show the critics are getting to him perhaps it might galvanise him to actually pass the ball forward instead of sideways or backwards perhaps we should have a statician count how many passes do go sideways or backwards for all the team then we can see who actually knows how the game of football is played, what do you think of that Mark ?

  • Stan The Man says:

    Christ do some of you ever give up on our sites.Its like the day before the worlds ment to end with most of you.
    Who would ever believe in my younger years our fans were known for their quick wit and deep rooted support of the team and club no matter what we were going through.
    Over 60 years of supporting our club and i feel pig sick when i read our sites with the continued moaning from the same people all the time.

    • CondorHammer says:

      Sorry Stan, but this is a blog where comment is invited and, as we all know, opinions vary.
      Personally, I love the fella. But in all honesty he’s been bang average this season, imo.
      I don’t know if his legs have gone, or if all the past (and current?) backroom problems may be having an effect.
      I’d bench him, give him a rest.
      Wil-E and Pedro in midfield, with Byrum at RB.

      • Stan The Man says:

        Yes Condor Hammer and when as a club we are doing well the sites go quiet.When the club isnt doing so well the moaners appear in droves.

  • Wembley1980 says:

    No Mark, Fegouli does step overs and he is also rubbish!

  • Fazzamania says:

    He is right in many respects. We can never understand operating at this level. He was England material last year, i was lucky to get in the ‘Dog and Duck’ 2nd eleven…..sub! Still think he should managed through games rather than outright dropped. Some of the balls he plays are still better than anyone in the team and our modt compised player. That reverse spin ball for Antonio in the Palace game was great. Will always be Mr West Ham IMHO.

    • Stratford E20 says:

      Noble has never been England material. Never.

      • Macca says:

        In your opinion.Does that make it official E20 because you said it.
        So many on here who make statements that many who know the game disagree with.
        So all the ex pros who say is so unlucky to never represent England are talking out it are they because you are the expert.

  • pabloonechop says:

    He may have been quoted out of context but knowone surely expects him to do step overs! Move the ball quickly yes, see a pass yes, get beyond the forward line occasionally etc etc.
    The issue really is should Noble be starting- most including myself would have more mobile and athletic midfield pairing of kyoute and obiang. Have we ever seen that pairing together?

  • monacoman says:

    Unfortunately it is a comment of someone who is under pressure. His legs have gone and his first instinct is to look backwards when passing. He makes Ray Wilkins look attacking.

    Silly boy, grow up Mark!

  • bubbles says:

    Absolute disgrace . The final straw . This man is a liability to the team . Mr. West Ham . I don’t think so . How can he have the front to dis the fans who turn up week after week to watch the rubbish he dishes up . I do not need to be a brain of Britain to see that his legs have gone … Just watch everyone run past him . I do not need to understand the game to see that you should pass to your own player , not the opposition . I only need eyes to see him lunge into another late tackle . He is total rubbish and is bringing us down . Two of our best players , Antonio and Kouyate have been wasted to accomodate this idiot in the team . Get lost Noble your time is well past.

    • Roman says:

      Agree wholeheartedly bubbles.This is the Kevin Nolan scenario over again.I suspect Bilic is also under the pump after the chairman’s comments on the Cherries game.If Noble starts this week then that should sound an ominous warning to Sullivan and the board.I believe both should go in that case.Picking your favorites and playing players out of position is what Allardyce excelled in.

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