
Noble for England debate – Irons fans react


Robbie Savage re-opened the Mark Noble for England debate during the captain’s outstanding performance against Aston Villa.

The former Wales international turned BT Sports pundit was mightily impressed with Nobes and called for him to be included in a Roy Hodgson squad sooner rather than later.

But do the Irons fans who see the captain week in week out agree? Here’s some reactions from the ClaretandHugh Facebook forum @

6MarkNobleO I actually think Savage has a bit of a soft spot for West Ham… or is he just jumping on the band wagon that is slowly starting to take shape. Even Shearer and Lineker are starting to say really good things about the Irons.

O The players given a cap are no better than Nobes and only played as they are big club players. I mean, Tom Cleverly lol
O Our luck? He will play for England and break a leg.

O The interesting thing for me, is that if Noble has a below average game, everyone slates him and calls for him to be dropped. If song has a bad one, he’s still “class, and it was just a one off”. Just an observation ….
O Given the calibre of players that have been given an opportunity in recent years, on current season form, I’d say Nble probably deserves a call-up  but the hard truth is you are more highly valued by the FA and Roy if you are a reserve team player at a “top” club, than a week in week out high performer anywhere else.
O Noble for England ? Only if he stops doing those desperate lunges. He hasn’t given the ball away so much this season. I really do think he’s as good as Wilshire , Carrick and Henderson.
O Our slow starts worry me more than whether or not Noble and Cresswell get an England call-up. Those that have played for England recently seem to suffer injuries and we don’t want any more of those!

O Given that Noble’s testimonial is now scheduled for the 28th March, a day before the England match, I guess he isn’t holding out much hope.
O I love the guy to bits being an Hammers fan….But his passing can be wayward and he’s not the quickest to get back and tackle at the same time

O Mark Noble was U21 Captain in 2009 . He’s as good as Henderson , Delph , Cleverly , Wilshire , he deserves a chance.

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • winslow says:

    Personally i don’t think he’s good enough for England but 50 years ago some of the press didn’t think Nobby Stiles, Jack Charlton and George Cohen were good enough for England either….

  • barlucjak says:

    Not for me , he is out of position to often . He is a good grafter but if he is the best we have in England we are in trouble . One swallow does not make a summer

  • Muckracker says:

    The argument that Noble isnt in the England team cause he plays for West Ham and not a top 4 team is lame. Scottie played for England while we were the bottom teamon our way to the championship. Reason is he was good enough and Nobes aint.

  • TRB says:

    Give Mark his England chance, I say…….. let’s see if he can hit the ground running. He’ll need to, to become a regular.

  • Michael Miller says:

    I’ll play Devil’s Advocate and ask a simple question – who misses out when Lanzini is fit again?

    In my eyes Payet and Kouyate are automatic picks, assuming Lanzini comes back in then the choice is between Song and Noble – Song seems to have got over his injury and, after a few lackadaisical displays when questions were being asked about his future at the club, his performances have really picked up and I’d currently pick him over Noble.

    I like Mark Noble, he’s a bit of a throwback to the old days of local boys coming through, he’s a fine Captain and a leader on the field but he has weaknesses – his obvious lack of pace, his negative passing, poor deadball delivery, lunging challenges for the ball all go against him. I feel he’s likely to become a squad player – valuable to the club but not an automatic first choice.

    If he’s not playing for his Club then there’s no way he could play for England!

    It’s only an opinion to add to that of Robbie Savage’s – don’t forget he is a Welshman and he makes a living out of making controversial statements.

    • canchaz says:

      I would have thought we have enough games coming (especially if we keep the cup run going) that we will need to use them all, Michael.
      But I would pose this ? As the majority argument is that Noble doesn’t play for a top club, what will be the argument if we move into the top four, and just another aside. How many Leicester players are eligible and how many of those are in the England squad?

    • Roman says:

      I agree wholeheartedly Michael.Like Barlucjak said “one swallow does not make a summer”.

      • Hammerman6 says:

        Earlier in the season I read lots of comments on here , calling for him to be dropped in favour of Song, Obiang or anyone else that could play midfield. He has proved you all wrong look at the stats, 5th in list of passes completed in premiership, always in the top 2 or 3 for meters covered in a game, get real he is a huma being and sometimes makes errors…who doesn’t ? even you mate.

  • S D I A says:

    Completely agree with you coyi247 noble truly deserves an England call up he’s a week in week out performer and his passing is so accurate one always been a big fan of nobes and I’ve always thought he would be better than the like of cleverly Delph wilshere Shelvey etc , he is the heart of the team and a great captain the boy runs endlessly aswell mark noble will be good for another 5,6 years maybe longer who knows

  • COYI247 says:

    I’ve said for years he should play for England, & I haven’t changed. I just don’t get the anti-Noble guys; got 1 in front of me in West Stand. Noble does make the odd mistake, but that is because he has about 3 times as many touches as other players…

  • exsoulie says:

    Johnboy is right,the main thing is Noble just needs to maintain the form he showed last night.Fantastic pass to antonio,thats what he needs to focus on.For me,the whole England/international thing is a tedious slog and Noble will be a west ham legend regardless of England caps.

  • Muckracker says:

    True that Johnboy. And Noble has only had one good game this whole season…… against the worst team in the division.

  • johnboy says:

    Noble , Henderson , cleverley , shelvey , jagielka Cahill , , delph , etc are not england material savage the harmless bloke really is not the brightest of pundits and most take him with a pinch of salt! We should exit the EU and absolutely nothing would change!! The point I’m making here is that both Robbie and Brady talk nonsense one for his punditry and a puppet for her superiors ! Once Woy departs after the euros maybe cresswell will have a bit more experience and Antonio IMO is a better player than milner may have a chance with a descent england manager !! Noble,s chance passed 4 year ago when he had pace before that injury he has never recovered from ?

  • petebonds says:

    Can’t believe he has never been called up to a squad to have a look at him ? He captained England under 21 team for years with no problem .

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