
Olympic Stadium to become football only venue


OlympiastadionBerlin’s Olympic Stadium — where Jesse Owens won four gold medals and Usain Bolt broke two world records will soon lose its running track and athletics field under renovation plans.

Plans were announced last week that the German iconic venue will be converted into a football-specific stadium for Bundesliga club Hertha Berlin. The famous blue running track will be gone after it hosts the 2018 IAAF World Championships.

On Saturday, Berlin Mayor Michael Mueller said the renovation could still allow for a removable track to keep the option for hosting track and field at the stadium, according to a Berlin newspaper.

Olympic-Stadium-Berlin-Germany-01The Olympic Stadium was built for the 1936 Berlin Games, where Jesse Owens won the 100m, 200m, 4x100m relay and long jump in the face of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. A street just outside the stadium was renamed Jesse Owens Allee in 1984.

It was renovated before hosting 2006 World Cup matches and then held the 2009 IAAF World Championships, where Bolt set the current world records in the 100m (9.58 seconds) and 200m (19.19).

Perhaps Germany has learnt lessons from the attempts of turning the London 2012 Olympic Stadium in a multi-use venue to host both football and athletics.  The London Stadium will host 2017 IAAF World Championships this August, I wonder whether the Stadium owners will make a similar decision after the World Championships.

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I am Season Ticket Holder in West stand lower at the London Stadium and before that, I used to stand in the Sir Trevor Brooking Lower Row R seat 159 in the Boleyn Ground and in the Eighties I stood on the terraces of the old South Bank. I am a presenter on the West Ham Podcast called Moore Than Just a Podcast A Blogger on West Ham Till I die a member of the West Ham Supporters Advisory Board (SAB), Founder of a Youtube channel called Mr West Ham Football at,

I am also the associate editor here at Claret and Hugh.

Life Long singer of bubbles! Come on you Irons!

Follow me at @Westhamfootball on twitter


  • essexirons says:

    Cheers mate, You wouldn’t recognise it anymore, twice as big with so many soulless new builds. Suddenly had no clutch on one of the busiest roundabouts at rush hour.. fun fun fun.

  • essexirons says:

    After sitting on a f*****g roundabout in chelmsford for four f******g hours waiting for some chump to finally come & drag my piece of crap home, I log on & see the headline…… is my day going to go from crap to great???
    No… thanks sean lol 😉

    • West Ham Fan No 32 says:

      Shame to hear it essex, Chelmsford is my hometown although I haven’t lived there for about 30 years, hope your lump of crap can get sorted without too much expense, yeah he caught us all out with that headline 😀

  • Always good to know I am a valuable member of the fan community though before I cocked it all up one day with a careless headline. It is a fine line to walk between valuable member of the fan community and click bait douche bag 😉 lol

    • aykay says:

      Hahaha …some people take this stuff far to seriously lol keep up the good work mate !!

    • Robbie says:

      I always find the people who get aggitated about what they term click bait are the ones right up their own asses.Im with Stan it is hysterical that people who open and close hundreds of internet sites daily get so worked up about opening another and closing it.As if the London Stadium had gone football only just like that LMAO

  • Robbie says:

    Pmsl laughing…i laughed when i read it because i knew it would get the saddos i have read the tweet sean got i have laughed even more…

  • Yes, I am getting grief on twitter but hey life is too short to worry about a click bait headline. People need to get out more. There are much more serious things to get worked up about in this world.

    My favourite so far is “You’re a valuable member of the fan community Sean, but this clickbait is f****g atrocious. Have some respect for your readers ffs.”

    • Stan The Man says:

      I fully expected that sort of reaction.We really do have far too many fans who take themselves too seriously.As you say my friend life is far far too short.

  • Stan The Man says:

    Youre a bad lad Sean.You do know some wont see the funny side of it of course and will almost certainly be complaining in the internet lands on a site somewhere about your devious headlines lol

  • Boogabenson says:

    Cruel man

  • I did chuckle to myself as I wrote the headline I must admit

  • Stan The Man says:

    Behave yourself Sean.Im sure your real job is a good eàrner without trying for additional click pennies lol
    Seriously though i have never understood the folk who get in a lather about this thing called click bait.I mean you click and it might not be what you expected but you close the tab and thats it.No drama no big deal.I mean it isnt like a bloody great glove comes out of your screen and punches you on the hooter for doing it lol

  • West Ham Fan No 32 says:

    Hahaha Sean, why don’t you put the LLDC in maybe they can get a 2 for 1 deal on the plans 🙂

  • jimbo54 says:

    You and me both…Sean is getting clever with his clickbait headlines lol

  • Alan D says:

    You got my hopes up with that headline.

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