
Sad DG sends sympathy as Paris suffers


David Gold has sent his sympathies to everybody caught up in the tragic events of Paris.

GoldThe club’s co chairman was quickly off the mark to let his feelings be known as the world tried to absorb the events of the last 24 ours.

And there was a bright note as the French Football Federation announced they would be going ahead with the planned match against England at Wembley on Tuesday evening.

Gold declared in his message: “I’m deeply saddened to learn of the tragic events in Paris. It’s a sad day and my thoughts and sympathies go out to all those affected.”

Meanwhile David Sullivan told ClaretandHugh: “What can one say? It’s a very sad day for the world.”

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • Max Willow says:

    A sad time for all decent people left in this world, and all my gratitude to the 2 ‘Davids’ for expressing the sympathies of the ‘vast majority of WHU community’, who are also experiencing and grieving for the lives lost and the broader effects on the French people. This would be sufficient comment on my behalf, had I had not noticed the earlier commentary posted by ‘johnboy’, which prompted me to make a response to what he expressed. If my comments are deemed inappropriate, then, I am happy to tender my resignation from your wonderful and generally speaking, well-informed blog-site. However, I feel a need to respond in kind, on a personal basis, and on behalf of all WHU people who stand for fairness and all that is good in the human spirit!
    A special message of support also, to our special Dimi, and recent player, Morgan Amalfitano

    Dear Johnboy,
    Sorry, mate, but the comments you have posted can’t be allowed ‘to go through to the proverbial wicket-comment’., without some response. Ultimately, I am forced to ‘stand up’ against what you have said, if for no other reason, that “When good men fail to react, evil will persist”. While I have no pretensions for claiming to be the original Battersea Hero, I have enough support from friends and foe alike to say, if nothing else, Maxie is a good and decent person!

    On the basis of my experience in Psychiatric medicine, your comments (until proven to the contrary),reflect the opinions of someone with a ‘serious personality disorder”, ‘delusional psychosis’, or in the common vernacular, a plain old rat-bag.

    Your filthy, uninformed pompous comments are both offensive and are irrelevant for this fine site. for the exchange of sensible, positive ideas related to the well-being of everything good, that is West Ham (including Karen Brady).
    Of course, I am well aware of ‘your rights to express your comments (in what is after all, a free and just democracy); but I think there are enough sufficient outlets available, for you to do so.
    I closing, I noted one tiny hint of decency, (in what was otherwise an unwise forum looking for scapegoats); it took you all the way to the last sentence in your commentary, to say;
    “God bless all who have suffered because of these elite fascists” etc (the first part which I think was the only sentiment of mutual agreement) But even, then, you may have shown some degree of decency & intellect, by making this expression of sympathy at the very beginning of your commentary). Comm-on laddie, try and be a ‘mensch’!

  • johnboy says:

    Just think ! Blair bush Cameron sarcozey and Obama are the cause of all of it !!
    They should all be convicted for crimes against humanity !!!!
    Along with all their accomplices !!!!
    Evil evil people .
    I feel sorry for Brady as she obviously does not know the full history behind the political elite.
    She is just a puppet who thinks her **** does not stink,

    God bless all who have suffered because of these elite fascists !!!!!!

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