Sam Allardyce has come up with a new reason for the devastating loss of Hammers form since Christmas.
According to the 60 year old it’s to some extent due to his position as boss being under constant scrutiny.
Ahead of the match at Newcastle he said: “The speculation can breed some complacency in the dressing room, there’s no doubt about that.
“There was speculation like this after the season when we came up, but this time around it’s more about all the other managers who seem to be taking my position. Probably the next one will be Carlo Ancelotti. He’ll be the next in line.
“I can’t affect that and by early next week the situation will be sorted. “I’ve been comfortable with it [the speculation] and don’t have a problem with it. As a manager distractions are something that you put aside all the time.
“Being paid to do your job is what you’re here for. I’m hopeful Newcastle won’t be my final game, but we’ll wait and see.”
Everyting is everyone elses fault but Sams,we all know that.He can never admit anything might be his fault.
I knew it would be my fault in the end,with a little help from my friends,
Never mind it’s getting near Kevin and spoonie time,
So good but won f##k all…!!!
Allardyce is turning himself into a bloody joke.Some comedy figure who thinks he is the best but wins feck all.Absolute embarressment as a manager,some guy who is only of use if you dont want to be relegated.What a claim to fame.Other managers in the prem must **** themselves fearing having to play him.
Cant wait to see the back of him.End of story.He has been a liability for months now.Most clubs would have got rid of before now thats for sure.He is damn lucky his contract runs down.Many other managers have been sacked for less inferior records.But what happens with our fans.Yep,we still have people thinking he deserves a new contract.What a joke!
Well sam now has the full set….. it is now officially our fault.. its been the players, injuries, refs, weather……… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
look in the mirror you fat arrogant pig, that is the person who is paid Β£3m a year to manage the team. You take responsibility for short comings, dont blame everyone else.
i have never hated anybody i have never met more than this tosser..!!!!
Lol,Hippo doesnt do apoligizes or admit he is wrong.It is a lesson he missed at school π
Isn’t Sam stating the obvious? Anytime there is speculation about a manager in any field, there is bound to be complacency. It won’t happen but he should throw his hands up and say, “Yeah, I got it wrong. I should have changed things up”, instead of looking to place blame elsewhere. There are some that think if they admit error, it is a sign of weakness, I feel if you can admit error, you are stronger for it. Apologies for getting “all sage” like…
Ahahah… Love it… But I don’t understand if it’s an hippo with a Sam mask or Sam with an hippo mask… Lol
Lol,love it.But you will have the sammy lovers out with shotguns after you.Maybe in their case pea shooters π
Couldn`t resist! check out my picture… please share!
That is fecking brilliant really cheered me up after a long day
Very strange Matte,everything is everyone elses fault apart from Hippos,lol,he is blameless for the situation we are in.Poor Sammerettes,they are feeling insecure atm,we should send them some cuddlie hippos to cheer them up π
I think the “Sam Lover” is a strange and mysterious species… It should be analysed in a laboratory… maybe it’s an hostile alien species… Lol
The most amusing thing i see on sites now is that ‘the fans’ have hounded sam out of his job.What a total load of bs.Try 3 wins in 20,Try no away win in more than 5 months.I guess that has nothing to do with him not getting a new contract has it!.Dear lord take me to to this special place called ‘Samworld’ π
Ancelotti and Allardyce: the two are as different as night and day. The only thing they have in common is the first letter of their surnames… lol
Probably the next one will be Carlo Ancelotti… ignorant, arrogant piece off S***!
Come next week… we will know for sure, if he is still here! KEEP the FAITH.
ExPat, you’ve got your definition of a good manager spot on. Unfortunately this is a concept which is totally alien to Sam’s personality, at least as a football manager.
He may be totally different in private life of course, but as a manager he doesnt support his players very well, does he ? At least in terms of sharing praise and responsibility.
Still players have come out praising him. Several players actually.
Been lurking and reading these threads about SA for some time. What strikes me is, as a leader, he is constantly blaming the players for his performances. I can’t recall him ever shouldering the blame or passing along the praise. Good performances are “look what I’ve achieved” and poor form or results are “they are complacent”
A leader deflects praise to those below him and accepts responsibility when they fail.
Still, fortune hides. Can’t wait till next weeks announcement!
lol…and here’s the last of his excuses… pathehic as Always; in my view he hasn’t been paid enough for his wonderful work… maybe he thinks to be on the same level of Ancelotti, given that the Genius sometimes mentions him. Sam, I think you should take a look at your trophy cabinet once in a while and then we’ll discuss it…
I suggest we give the honour of naming our final team line-up of the season to the monkeys bellend.Oooops,sorry i forgot,we all love eachother again,lol π
lol… love&peace Stew…
Maybe he should stay away for his final game too and let his representative take his place in the dugout. As he’ll be the one in Monday’s meeting too.
For what it’s worth we might as well let Karren Brady decide our lineup tomorrow,
Or Sullivan Jr. Or the tealady. The kit manager. Or the head chef.
They all probably care more about the club at this point than Allardyce.
βBeing paid to do your job is what youβre here for” If this is true and he is so good at his job as we are led to believe then surely any distractions, speculation, injuries, fatigue, wrong type of leaves or whatever comes along should be overcome by a tactical genius with all the nous required to manage any top team in the world.
Just think after Tuesday or Wednesday we won’t have to hear BFS’s BS anymore, there’s bound to be a couple of days of there was no pleasing them, what did they want miracles, I’m marvellous, I’m hard done by etc etc nonsense from himself and his cronies.
All I want to hear is he’s gone and who his improvement I mean replacement is.
He has been paid to do a job since Xmas and anyone else in any job who had those results would have been sacked,
This is the final insult to the players he has tried to ruin there careers,
Nene,Zarate,Cole and most of our youth set up
Go and good riddance you have been paid well for bringing us back to the Premier and destroying years of tradition
Aint surprising if the players were complacent if they took you as a barometer on what level of effort to give.Spent the last few months like in this pic or looking total disinterested.Good to know its complacencey that you also allowed to happen.So the players only lifted themselves for the Mancs & Chelski at home in the last few months & that was fine with you.Great motivator Hippo,well done π