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So which 11 will become Boleyn history-makers?


CollinsIf we all want to be a part of history on Tuesday night, imagine how the lads must feel as they wait to see if they will be involved in the last ever team to perform at the Boleyn.

They will witness the parade of legends which will include the likes of Bonzo, Hursty, Parkesy McAvennie, Cottee, Devo, Sir Trev and all the rest.

And they will surely be thinking: “Will my name be written into the pages of history as future generations ponder the last ever names to represent the club at this – perhaps the most unique theatres of football – in the UK.

Slaven Bilic has the toughest job of his managerial career as he prepares to witness the delight and despair on dressing room faces he knows so well.

Sentiment says that some MUST play and the first I think of is Ginge – a Hammer to his backbone who surely deserves a last farewell particularly when you remember how the defence played yesterday.

It’s really sad that one of our biggest terrace heroes for a long time – Adrian – will be missing but I huess after Ginge, the team virtually picks itself although which of Reid or Ogbonna makes way – if that’s to be the case – is anyone’s guess.

Here’s my starting X1 and given the problems Antonio has experienced against the pace of United previously this season he has to surely be moved forward into the role handed to the ineffective Moses yesterday.

So here is my


Randolph, Tomkins, Reid, Collins, Cresswell; Kouyate, Noble, Lanzini, Payet, Carroll, Sakho

Please leave yours and we will publish as many as possible!

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • Askimhammer says:


    Subs: The other keeper-Tomkins-Oxford-Obiang-Samuelsen-Carroll

    NO loanees on Upton Park for last match there ever.

    If Lanzini and/or Payet is not up for this task, change one or both of them with Carroll and Samuelsen. Tomkins in for Byram if he is not up to it. Obiang in for a midielder if Samuelsen is not given the chance. And of course Carroll in for Sakho if Sakho is off target tomorrow. COYI!!

  • Radai Lama says:

    One of Mad Kev’s blinding rants after the Bournemouth home defeat in August,haha.This is what you have missed Rick..

    August 22, 2015 at 5:34 pm
    Can’t use defensive errors as excuse as there was no system apart from kick it and see .
    Desperately want West Ham to stay in the Premiership and do something special , but with BILIC my dreams gave been shattered after only three games .
    Now it would seem we need more than a new Striker ;; we need , midfield , defense ect ect. This could be my lowest day as a West Ham Fan & Supporter . To see us lose to a recently promoted side so convincingly is soul destroying . They were better than us in every department … Too late now ,, we have BILIC . God help us .. Where is the new System that so depicts the ” West Ham ” way ??. Bollox .
    When will the Fans understand that points are more important than playing pretty football .
    I have seen so much pretty football at Upton Park without winning anything it makes your head spin . Today didn’t even approach pretty ,, in fact it was Downright Ugly .

    • StanThe Man says:

      That is pure,pure quality from Kevin.He was a wise man to want Bilic out back in August.I hope he is in a better mood tomorrow,I don’t want to have to Phuck Off again as Kevin so stylishly puts it.

  • Radai Lama says:

    Lol mooro.Thank f*ck there ain’t many Kevins about.He seems to have meltdowns every so often.Goes on a rampage across this site then calms down,lol.The geezer Officially withdrew all support for Bilic after 3 matches of the season.Absolute fact,it’s in print on here somewhere.He told us all we were wrong to get rid of Hippo after the 2nd home game of the season,Hahaha.Geezers a fruitloop 🙂

  • mooro66uk says:

    Ive been a Hammer for longer than him but it don’t give me the right to talk boll##ks.Seems like some can’t wait for a bad performance so they can say i told ya so. Don’t hear a fuc###g squeak out of em all season when everything is going great. Soon as there’s a blip,on they come.Makes me so fuc###g angry. Rather they just stayed in their room sticking pins in their dolls. Retards one and all. COYI X

  • Peter Moorehurst says:

    Tomkin’s Reid Collins Cresswell
    Noble Kouyate
    Antonio Payet Lanzini

    Antonio in an attacking role will win us the game. In a right back role he will try hard but a mistake will cost us the game. I love him, please play to his strengths.

  • essexclarets says:

    I thought we had heard the last of Kev’ it only took one crap game and out comes his soap box. It must have seemed a life time for him waiting for a result like that.. All teams have games when they are utter sh1t and should be embarressed of the way they played, doesn’t make them false overnight.
    As for naming the team for Tuesday I’ll leave that for our good friends over there to debate up until kick off 😀

    • RickHammer says:

      Haha haha,I feel like the guy who wasn’t invited to the party.I have never had the pleasure of a mad Kevin rant.I feel like I have missed out big-time Essexclaret,Lmao.What a guy he is,off the scale of madness,ha

      • essexclarets says:

        He comes across as a angry teenager who hates everyone & everything (even though he has been a Hammers fan for 50 odd years…..) god knows why he feels the need to come on here to rant

  • MerryMichaelW says:

    If we want to win the match, this may be how it can be done:

    … … … … Randolph
    Tomkins, Ogbonna, Reid, Cresswell
    … … . Kouyaté, Noble(c)
    … . Antonio, Payet, Lanzini,
    … … … … . Sakho

    Subs: Spiegel, Carroll, Valencia, Obiang, Hendrie, Byram, Oxford.



    We need to talk about Kevin … 😉

  • bubs says:

    It’s all right GW the Windows boarded up and we turned the onside into rags for window cleaning,
    He has started humming another tune now,
    He is better then Kouayte at it as well,

  • RickHammer says:

    Lol,hate to see what one of his madcap outbursts are like then if this is mild.Oh well it takes all sorts.Good luck restraining him,hope the puzzle does the trick 🙂

    • GW says:

      Rick at least 4 times a season he whacks on his hippo onesie stares out the window and starts humming when you wish upon a star hoping against hope that one day his messiah returns..

  • GW says:

    So the real Kevin has reappeared then and is shouting out about his 50 years of support as he did when he stuck up for the Slug. Kevin it was boring then it’s boring now it just ****es you off that Slav has achieved more in one season than your illustrious messiah achieved in 4 years.

  • bubs says:

    That’s not an out burst mate,He just has bad days every now and then,
    Never got over his mentor BFS going,
    Never mind getting him a new puzzle tomorrow a black cat ( 6 bits ) we hide 1 for a couple of days and that keeps him happy
    Thank Christ we can still laugh in these dark days,

  • RickHammer says:

    Oh that made me laugh bubs.Thunder Box,lol.Yep watched Barca dismantle Espanyol.
    You seem to all know Kevin’s actions well.I am new to his outbursts 😉

  • bubs says:

    When I popped up the bar to see who was going to win the Spanish league I left Kevin locked in his room with his Hippo jigsaw ( only has 4 bits normally takes him a3 hours )
    Mrs Bubs let him out for a wee break ( stopped using nappies ) he did promise not to go on Wetpants,He escaped got his iPad and hid in the thunder box at the bottom of the garden,
    All right now he is tied up and plenty of pills down him,
    Barcelona will win the league by the way,I am dressed in black what a poxy 2 days for us,
    Don’t think anyone is telling Slav what to do but even he must think he got it wrong,

  • Radai Lama says:

    Why are some of you getting wound up by Kevin.I thought you realized he was nuttier than a squirrels sh1t 😉

  • Gobby says:

    I have read some obscure statements or comments on the internet but ‘You can’t drowned a hippo’ is a new one on me.Thank-you Kevin.But of course you can drown a Hippo but I don’t want to ruin such a meaningless statement you clearly pondered over for hours lol

  • Billy the Hammer says:

    Where’s bubs,has he forgot to give Kevin his meds again lol.Come on bubs hurry up get them down him lol

  • RickHammer says:

    I should stay of the booze if I was you Kevin.You sound like a total tw*t!!!

    • kevin says:

      You sound like someone that can’t see the wood for the tree’s ..

      • RickHammer says:

        & you are the person now crying about getting abuse but its ok for you to everyone to shut the Phuck up.As I said,youre a dlck!

  • Mark says:

    I agree with the sakho up front Antonio right wing option bring on Andy as an impact sub if needed. Can’t leave lanzini payet option out they work to well together

  • kevin says:

    One thing you should all remember ;; you can’t drowned a Hippo .

  • kevin says:

    And , Please , all you so clever team selectors , shut the Phuck up . We got further than we expected and then expected to get further ,, we now depend on Lady Luck ..
    All you clever no it all fans are not worth listening to , just like Pundits .
    Been a West Ham supporter for over 50 years and so I am very very very accustomed to seeing the bubble burst .
    Shameful performance against Swansea , end of .
    Why do all think we failed ,, what is the logic behind the critism ??.
    You all wanted BFS out don’t forget .. I tried very hard to support you all with our new manager and finally agreed with most if you remember ,,, but blind fans are every where .

  • Billy the Hammer says:

    Keep going lads,you are keeping me entertained while I lay in the sun in my budgie smugglers,lol.Too lazy to pick a team but surely if Collins plays in your teams Oggy plays alongside him.Best pairing this season by a country mile.

  • kevin says:

    Talk , talk , talk : we blew it against Swansea , end of . Too much hype about how good we are when in reality we got lucky this season to be where we are . We can’t be relying on other teams to lose when there were so many games we should have won .
    Tottenham are playing out Thier season against Southampton and don’t expect a win because they , like Any other London club don’t want to see West Ham in Europe .
    Too many Derby’s in London . We will probably be 7th today .
    That massive and irresponsible loss at home to Swansea was extremely hurtful .
    It was in our hands and we let it slip .. No excuses … We were **** on a massive day .

    • Billy the Hammer says:

      Kevin you are mental.Some days you come on shouting from the roof tops,other days telling us we are useless.Can’t you ever find any even ground for God sake.Mind you did officially retract your support of Bilic after the Bournemouth defeat at home I seem to remember.Shows what a headcase you are.

      • RickHammer says:

        Is Kevin always a d#ck on here? We got lucky this season?
        Why not go support another team Kevin if you have such a **** opinion of us!!!

        • Billy the Hammer says:

          Put a sock in it Kev,you ain’t even making sense.You can’t drowned a Hippo? WTF,lol

      • kevin says:

        If you remember so much , you should also remember I finally gave up and conceded due to all the abusive replies .. Because I also realized that maybe I was wrong and admitted it ,, wrongfully it now seems .
        I am passionate for West Ham and don’t waste my time telling everyone who the manager should or should not select on any given day or in whatever position .
        Any team loses big time from time to time , but that loss at home to Swansea was disgraceful . Some fans , like yourself , don’t like the truth .. We were in a false position and now it has shown up .. We had our chance and blew it big time by holding players awards before the season was over . Also I have never said we are useless . That is an invention of yours . I have remained positive all season up till now . Trying to support Bilic .. You don’t seem to remember that , naturally .

        • Gobby says:

          So after one defeat yesterday you have decided you were wrong to back Bilic.Wow he really needs backing from the likes of you doesn’t he.
          Next you will be saying we were better off with Allardyce.

    • But actually the entire response is off topic, can you start again and give us your team. Thanks

  • bubs says:

    Yes Oldiron the team I would pick as well,
    For the rest of the season I would not include any loanee,
    Antonio would benefit from playing alongside Byram the same as Cressie does alongside Payet,
    With Sak and Lanzini free to roam up top in a partnership like Frankie and
    Plus let’s mix up those corners and free kicks,if Lanzini is not do in it put on Enner to reform our best duo up top

  • oldiron says:


    One thing I think Slav has forgotten is the fact that OGBONNA played several times at right back for Juventus and was quite good apparently and my Italian friend cannot see why he has not been played there this season instead of ANTONIO, just a thought Slav.


  • Michael Miller says:

    Tomkins, Collins, Ogbonna, Cresswell
    Kouyate, Noble
    Antonio, Lanzini, Payet

  • celticredhawk says:

    Mine would be

    Tomkins, Ogbonna, Ginge, Cresswell,
    Kouyate Noble
    Antonia, Payet, Sakho, Carroll

    If it was a case of Antonio being picked for right back or dropped then drop him, but going forward he has been one of our best players, he was a threat on Saturday. I think it is a possible argument that while Antonio has never quite reached the heights of Payet he is far more of a consistent threat. It is his penchant for going forward that causes him issues at the back. I think Lanzini has not been firing on all cylinders and so I would allow him make space for Antonio further up.

    Irrespective of which eleven march out plus the subs used, a better effort than Saturday is required, especially from the manager.

  • The Ludo says:

    What no Antonio?!?!?!?!

    Antonio RM for me with Carroll for a 2nd half appearance once Sakho’s run them into the ground.
    Otherwise spot on imo.

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