
Spurs star likely to miss Hammers game


Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United - Barclays Premier LeagueDelle Alli is a major doubt to start for Spurs on Wednesday night against West Ham after suffering a freak incident in the warm-up before Sunday’s win over Swansea. The midfielder played the full 90 minutes after appearing to suffer an injury while he practised shooting in the warm up to game.

Alli said he kicked the ground when attempting to drill the ball goalwards and immediately went down, seeming to point to his ankle as he explained the matter to Spurs medical staff.

Alli appeared uninhibited as he played the whole 90 minutes against Swansea but the midfielder was seen hobbling heavily as he left White Hart Lane after the match.

Sources close to Spurs suggest he will not be risked and could well be rested on Wednesday to be fit for the weekend game against Arsenal.

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I am Season Ticket Holder in West stand lower at the London Stadium and before that, I used to stand in the Sir Trevor Brooking Lower Row R seat 159 in the Boleyn Ground and in the Eighties I stood on the terraces of the old South Bank. I am a presenter on the West Ham Podcast called Moore Than Just a Podcast A Blogger on West Ham Till I die a member of the West Ham Supporters Advisory Board (SAB), Founder of a Youtube channel called Mr West Ham Football at,

I am also the associate editor here at Claret and Hugh.

Life Long singer of bubbles! Come on you Irons!

Follow me at @Westhamfootball on twitter


  • johnboy says:

    Personally I hope Ali plays , he,s big time charlie mug who ,Imo wouldn’t survive the pressure of this game ,, its going to be naughty I think , he wouldn’t last 10 mins , he would be off either by a red or an injury , I read the other day on a spud blog that we are dirty and we are gonna kick em off the park , I hope everyone brings their voting cards tomorrow cos they will be diving everywhere , Kane and rose the pick of the bunch, every time rose goes down he springs 8 ft in the air , four back flips and a pirouette , can’t wait for Antonio to muller him , don’t waste you’re breath on wet pants bubs and all , they’re just ignorant c##£s who ain’t worth a wnak , having said that they probably do while typing their sh##e ,
    Oh for a bonzo tomorrow grabbing a few spuds by the throat , grabbing Bremner comes to mind ? If lanzini and payet are on blob we are in for a treat!

  • bubs says:

    Nothing else to winge about until Thursday Rad,hope I am happy Thurday mornings would love to see us win well,
    Hope Antonio playing right back with Moses in front will keep Rose back peddling and then his defensive weakness will show through,
    They need to be knocked off their high horses which won’t be easy as they are on a roll,
    Ginge needs to get Kane in his pocket and not one mistake,
    If he can do that I think Payet and Lanzini will rip their defence a new one,
    No slow start Please
    Speak later Rads

  • bubs says:

    Can’t believe you don’t know what it’s about Sean ?
    It’s quite simple you go no that site like I did 2 years ago and say something they don’t like,
    My mistake was I called a thing Fat instead of just Hig Sam,and they turned not one but many,did not mater what you then say or do they get their little elite togeather and try and bully you,
    But it’s better just going back every now and then under other names and turning the knife
    It’s a lot of fun,
    What I don’t understand is you meet good people on there like Hamburg who does not give into their bull ****te
    Then the big war started those for Hippo ( Wetpants ) those against C & H ,they then brought out the Cookie Monster to rig a vote on BFS,
    They watch this site like ****e Hawks looking for their names like Bellend and co then go back for a pow wow with the other brownies,
    When they are offered out they go deft and quite,
    Basic playground bullies that wet their selves,hence name or bribe down your leg another name,
    Dale for the sake of his site should remove the 1/2 dozen losers and he would have a good site or just remove the idiots when they get out of hand,
    Must admit I don’t go back very often now, once the war was over Hippo ran off to Spain
    They blew hot air for the early Euro disaster trying to belittle Slav kept it going till Jan then as the comparison between BFS last year and Slav first widened they went quite till this week,but now I think they will never go away and am not sure they arnt Spuds or gooners trying to wind up genuine hammer fans,
    They arnt very bright but know some good cake recipes or where to stay cheap in some rough areas of London sounds like a Spud
    Please raise to the bait you loosers

    • Radai Lama says:

      Lol,thats it bubs,let it out.I have actually mellowed to some of the guys on there though i would never use the sh*tty site.Some proper fans on there.Cant stand the negative sods who still have Hippo as their main man though.You just know they were waiting for Bilic to fail so they could start having a Hippo lovefest again.Instead now they are into article writer bashing,lmao.Good to see Monkeys Bellend back though,its good to see he is still a total w*nker 😀

  • Gaz says:

    Massive billy bonus if Alli is out.Lets pray he doesnt recover until thursday,lol.If it looks like he will be ok then send for one of the WHTID hatchet men to fix him.Actually scrap that,he is probably too old for them to take on,lol.

  • Daz says:

    We could do with someone boshing Kane on the hooter in training as well.Maybe we can send one of the Wetpants hardmen over there to do it,wahaha.Beat him up with their soggy Guardian & manbag 🙂

  • Billy the Hammer says:

    I use that site sometimes its ok but yesterday was like a load of bigger boys picking on the little boy.Read today they wasnt but thats rubbish.The lad was commenting too much fair enough but some of them blatantly got him annoyed to keep banging away at him.But now they are all the big boys because he snapped & had a go back.They are a bunch of inbreds lads.Better off leaving them to themselves to count their 7 fingers & 8 toes.Just bullies no matter what excuse they make.

  • johnny says:

    You say he was hobbling heavily as he left the Liberty stadium. no wonder as he ran from White Hart lane as the game ended and ran all the way to Swansea

  • West Ham exile says:

    Be good if he is missing for them.More than decent player.Fingers crossed he is out.Maybe we can get the Wetpants heavies to pick on him.Bait him to react then smash him,ha ha lol

    • Tyson M says:

      Its about their level mate.Wind him up,get him to react then rip into him when he gets p#ssed off.Some of them are ****ing cowards mush.Then later & today they can justify having a go at him because he was rude.Well yeah after those w#nkers had popped at him for a couple of hours.Wouldnt p*ss on them if they were on fire.

    • IronHammer says:

      Guys, explain it to me pls cuz I dont quite understand the history between C&H and WHTID users. It looks like you dont like each other much 😉

      • I have no idea and I write for both sites. We are all West Ham family 😉

        • IronHammer says:

          Yeah I know))) Ive been reading both sites for quite a while. And have to admit I like C&H best ) It feels like home for each and every Hammers fan and not an elite writers club.

          • TysonM says:

            Its simple,they think they are the ultimate,know it all West Ham brain drains.Well some of them anyway.When we all wanted Fat Sham out they used to look down their noses at us & called us Rabid Dogs & the such like.Cant stand some of the guys on there.They think they have more knowledge than Premier managers & could play better than any Prem player.Total w#nkers.Anyway there are worse sites than this for ripping them to shreds,they are a far bigger joke to others than us who are far more rude about them as well.Sean is a media whore,he gets everywhere,lmao.

          • Alan 'appy 'ammer says:

            West Ham Family,wahaha.Yeah right Sean.If there was a West Ham Family those sh#tbags wouldnt have been giving it large with all the rabid dog rubbish.West Ham Family my ass.But one thing is true Ty,Sean is a media whore.Everywhere he gets,bloody everywhere.Think he is taking over from Bill Turnbull on BBC Breakfast,ha ha

          • Radai Lama says:

            You do realise that Sean has more twitter followers than Justin Bieber & Rihanna combined dont you,hahaha,he is a media darling.Almost a national treasure like Wogan & Cilla Black were 😀

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