
Taxman milks the publicity machine!



We’ve been here before haven’t we?  …well publicised Inland Revenue warrant executions  ( commonly known among some of us with a bent for melodrama as “raids”) accompanied by the drumbeats of maximum HMRC publicity!

They couldn’t have made much more noise about it could they and the question “Why?” is easily answered – the HMRC occasionally loves  to draw attention to itself by targeting football where there is plenty of sexy coverage.

Within minutes of their arrival at Newcastle United and West Ham this morning the world knew about it via first the BBC and very quickly afterwards the HMRC themselves who amongst other things said: “This criminal investigation sends a very clear message, if you commit tax fraud you can expect to face the consequences.”

Now, excuse me but I would imagine most clear thinking individuals would know that but it’s significant that once again – as has been the case several times before –  the sexy old game of football finds itself used by the Revenue to show itself perhaps as the voice of the people. Such bullshit.

They could jut as easily have gone after  bankers, financiers, High Street brands or whoever but nope it’s football – which always generates maximum publicity.

How did the BBC get to hear about it – was it leaked; how come the HMRC statement was so quickly out there – someone, somewhere appears to be wanting to make a name for themselves.

Harry Redknapp has had his collar felt by the taxman and got off courtesy of Rosie while David Sullivan and Karren Brady were released without charge on similar issues at Birmingham after maximum publicity had been squeezed out.

This could have been done very quietly with a statement later to the Press Association simply explaining  what had been achieved without the “This criminal investigation sends a very clear message, if you commit tax fraud you can expect to face the consequences” propaganda

Someone…somewhere has their own agenda and excuse me if I’m overly cynical but in this day and age cynicism can often be spelt T R U T H!

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • Michael Miller says:

    Language Timothy – you’re breaking your own rules!

  • FUGMASTER says:

    I think our HMRC lot have been watching too much TV crime-drama; just what were those ‘HMRC’ labelled black vests they were wearing, all about???? Muppets!!

  • West Ham Fan No 32 says:

    There is an election coming time to wave some sticks and shake up some dust before letting it settle again without any charges being brought….

  • The Demon says:

    If they couldn’t get a conviction out of the Harry Redknapp case, then we’re home free. HMRC = bull**** bullies

  • JMan43 says:

    Spot on. Sabre rattling by the HMRC which they periodically like to do; not in the slightest concerned.

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