Knollsy immortalised as an action figure !
This is guaranteed to make to you smile !!
An action figure of West Ham’s Angel of Alkmaar, Knollsy, has been produced and is being sold in an online auction.
The Hammers fan who became a legend overnight is now a real life action hero as An ebay member is selling a custom-made action figure of Knollsy on the site and bidding reached over £6000 .
The auction for the one- off souvenir ran until until 5.05pm today as bids hit the roof and is another extraordinary episode in the great man’s scrap against AZ Alkmaar hooligans.
The seller explained his ‘Knollsy custom figure’, saying: “I was inspired to make this custom made and hand painted figure with unique matching packaging.
“It took approx 28 hours to complete and will look great on display.
“It is a complete one off.”
You can see a number of images of the West Ham Knollsy action figure on the ebay listing