A “does he stay or does he go?” ClaretandHugh poll on Sam Allardyce is ongoing and there’s one very good reason for that – it really couldn’t be closer.
The ‘ayes’ are a nose in front of the ‘nays’ but if you add the don’t knows to the mix as being on the side of the ‘nays’ Sam is behind by a whisker.
At around 2.30pm on Thursday with over 1,000 votes cast the manager was holding a lead of of just over five per cent with over six per cent unable to make up their minds.
It’s an extraordinary situation given Allardyce has now secured Premier League safety for the club yet still finds nearly half of the voters want him gone.
Having past the 1,000 mark, the poll now gets the nod from Mori as being the view of West Ham fans.
At the moment the result appears to give the impression we are West Ham Dis-United on this hugely important issue.
In fairness to the club, Sam, players and fans we’ll wait a little longer before bringing you the definitive poll result but we are heading into the last lap.
News and views and debate will inevitably follow this very surprising situation