
The ‘Homegrown’ Hammer – Club Rethink!

Image for The ‘Homegrown’ Hammer – Club Rethink!

Not often that a subject exorcises so many Hammers fans – who always  like to correct me and argue amongst themselves: My story from earlier  regarding Cyrencio Summerville and the ‘is he or isn’t he‘ classified as a ‘homegrown player’ saga caused a flurry of comments on Claret and Hugh’s forum.

Following my piece, the original answer received from the club and published- (that he is NOT eligible to be registered as a homegrown player) -was challenged  by C and H’s own Sean Whetstone. who cited Premier League Handbook Rule A 1.128  to club officials.

Without me repeating the whole rule here,  Sean suggested that, contrary to West Ham United’s official stance, Summerville did indeed satisfy Homegrown Regulations.

This was based on the fact that:

‘He signed for Leeds United on 16 September 2020 and had his 21st Birthday on 30 October 2022. The season start is defined by the rules as when the summer transfer window closes -which was 5th October 2020 due to Covid. 

That means he played three seasons for Leeds which is within the definition of homegrown in the PL handbook and FA rulebook”.

Back came the answer, from the club: ‘You are right”.

So, forget everything that I wrote earlier:  Cyrencio Summerville is young, gifted and according to both Sean now, and top Hammers sources, definitely ‘homegrown’.

Now if officials at West Ham aren’t certain, where does that leave the rest of us?

Thanks to Sean Whetstone for the info. This will have major implications for the squad size and recruitment of new players – so, great that it is now sorted out – with a little help from Sean Whetstone and C and H!

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Like everyone else, lifelong WHU fan and season ticket holder in old BMU stand at Upton Park from 2003. Billy Bonds these days with my adult son and impatiently waiting for my Grandson to be old enough to initiate him before his mum grabs him for Man U. All opinions are my own very biased ones.


  • ExPatHammer says:

    ‘He signed for Leeds United on 16 September 2010 and had his 21st Birthday on 30 October 2022″

    Should read September 2020… 🙂

    • Martin Treasure says:

      Oops- thank you. Well spotted. Surprised more didn’t. The downside of being hunched over a keyboard for 14 hours in one day. My bad.

  • elduder says:

    guess we’ll know for sure a day after the window shuts and the club formalise the squad registration

    summerville being HG fixes one of the 3 problems we have in 12 months

    antonio, ings and cressie

    1 down, 2 to go

  • Benny the Aussie says:

    Great work Sean on identifying this issue and making the club aware.
    That will definitely keep you on the Xmas card list 👏

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