
The stadium …calm before tonight’s storm


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Sean has been out to the stadium this morning and sent a couple of images.

Clearly a lot of work has taken place overnight and these early morning pics relly do represent the calm before tonight’s storm.

Be loud…be passionate everybody – this is now home and we need to put this little Slovenian outfit in their place.

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • HamburgHammer says:

    I need to say a massive Thank You to Sean as well like so many others have already done yesterday, keeping us up to speed on various issues.
    Really great stuff and having met him in person I can just say he is a great guy and fellow fan too.

    Keep up the good work mate!

  • Boleyn Boy says:

    Not bad except that lettering needs to be 3-4 times bigger, looks to be dwarfed by the player pics, also doesn’t appear to be illuminated.

  • BrookingtoDevonshire says:

    Like they put us in our place last Thursday.

  • Sams P45 says:

    It’s looking good.Does Sean get double bubble for getting out of his scratcher at sparrows fart to take these pics haha 😀

  • Fish N Chips says:

    Good job? I reckon that looks pretty good.
    All it needs now is a 100 foot statue of Billy Bonds! “To come in here, you’ve got to pass by me…”: Put away supporters in their place!

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