
Ticket Forwarding details revealed


TicketofficeThe club has quietly launched the details of the new ticket forwarding system which is likely to compete with the existing ticket exchange system.  The functionality allows you to forward your season ticket to a friend or family for London Stadium games you can’t make.

The scheme is free to use for season ticket holders but the receiving friend or family member pays a £1.25 booking fee direct to Ticket Master to print off their ticket at home.

Up to now, it has been technically illegal to lend or sell your season ticket access card to a friend or family member as tickets are strictly non-transferable and you could find yourself in breach of anti-touting laws which in theory carry a fine of up to £5,000.  Under The Ticket Touting (Designation of Football Matches) Order 2007 act it is illegal to sell a ticket for a designated football match or otherwise to dispose of such a ticket to another person. Some people wrongly believe they would only break the law if the ticket is sold above face value but this is not the case in football and giving away your ticket could be defined as touting under the strict law.

Your season ticket terms and conditions also forbid the transfer of your ticket and say: “If the ticket is resold or transferred without the prior written consent of West Ham United Football Club or any one of its authorised sub-agents, it will become void and the holder will be refused entry to or ejected from the Stadium for that and all future fixtures”

This new system allows for the legal transfer of the seat as it is authorised by the club. Don’t worry if you haven’t got a friend as you also donate your seat to the West Ham Foundation charity so less fortunate fans can watch the game.  Just donate your seat to Client Reference 90167973.

Although the system is designed to forward on to other West Ham fans with an existing client reference number if they haven’t got one it will prompt your friend to create a new account on the West Ham ticketing site and he or she will be assigned a client reference number for free.

The new functionality will be a welcome change for many who want to share their seats with their friends and family but equally the system could be abused by some season ticket holders who could ultimately tout their seats on social media and online forums to the highest bidder then forward their seats on to strangers after arranging payment electronically.

Full instructions on the new Ticket Forwarding system can be found at

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I am Season Ticket Holder in West stand lower at the London Stadium and before that, I used to stand in the Sir Trevor Brooking Lower Row R seat 159 in the Boleyn Ground and in the Eighties I stood on the terraces of the old South Bank. I am a presenter on the West Ham Podcast called Moore Than Just a Podcast A Blogger on West Ham Till I die a member of the West Ham Supporters Advisory Board (SAB), Founder of a Youtube channel called Mr West Ham Football at,

I am also the associate editor here at Claret and Hugh.

Life Long singer of bubbles! Come on you Irons!

Follow me at @Westhamfootball on twitter


  • HammerForLife says:

    I love it. It’s illegal for me to give my ST to a mate for free if I can’t make a game, but it’s legal for the club to charge him twice what I paid (and three times what they’d actually pay me) if they sell it on.

    I love this country.

  • master says:

    Charge a quid to hand the ticket over to my dad or brother for the day or just give it to them? Hmm…

  • The idea for the survey came from a conversation with my best friend for nearly 40 years and my fellow season ticket holder. I have always been pro stadium from day one and continue to believe it was and is the right thing to do. My answers were all in the highest answers as I am a positive person.

    The reason I designed the survey was an argument with my best friend was said I was deluded if I thought the majority thought the same way as me. I wanted to prove him wrong. Maybe he was right and I misjudged the feeling.

    With a few modifications, we will run the survey in 12 months time and every 12 months to see how feelings and opinions change. The first year was always going to difficult.

    Better to understand the perception than stick our heads in the sand and pretend everyone is happy

    • Stan The Man says:

      I have nothing against the survey Sean it was a good idea.I am just sick and tired of reading the same depressing drivel from the same people all the time.No one says its perfect we all know that
      As for the ones that complain about us trying to be a global brand they are plain daft,it is what every premier league club is striving to become in this day and age.
      If im honest i have had enough of our sites they are a safe house for miserable buggers.
      From now on its go to the game and enjoy it with my son and wonderful grandson.If others want to spend their free time bagging our fantastic football club then let them knock themselves out but personally im sick of reading the same ones repeating themselves like demented parrots.

      • John says:

        Listen Sean your survey was great. I mean that, it gave us a gauge on feelings and funny enough happy clappers like me can get good feedback from it, as I did in my response to you at the time by making a case for “average” and the “don’t knows” whereas the terminally miserable anti club anti Stadium anti board can put their own doom and gloom slant on it by doing the exact opposite.

        My only criticism was the accuracy and reliability for reasons I set out.

        I hope you do do it every year. Personally I hope the club commissions you to do it every year with ST details to hand.

        • John says:

          Stanley don’t you dare leave this site you are the Voice of Sanity.

          I don’t get the Merchants of Gloom and I could never be like that but if they want to live their life like that who am I to argue and I whilst I take the **** at times they actually make me laugh for instance when some will always take any side other than the owners. Other clubs, other owners, other players but not our owners!

          Dales article is good but he should’ve included Gold and Sullivan in that. Support Slaven, support the owners, support the club, support the move. Is that so f#cking hard? It’s your club, all this talk of West Ham London does my skull in too. It’s West Ham united. Always was always will be. It’s been added badge that’s all. As far as I know Sky TV never calls us West Ham London nor the BBC so stop making we have changed our name.

          I’m going to lie down Stanley.

  • John says:

    Lmao Stanley. Sean’s poll really has a lot to answer for doesn’t it? It’s given those eternally miserable people cause to put on their Smiths LP and sit at their keyboard with their large glass of Gin (apparently it makes you depressed you know) and knock out their latest doom and gloom on our wonderful club. I sincerely hope that when they stop going to watch West Ham they stop posting too. I do pity them tho tbh as it’s like being in a broken loveless relationship I guess. Why would you stay? But when you see your friends all you want to do is whinge about it. Move on! I need to stop I’m falling into that spiral myself. Seriously mate, joking aside, why get yourself in that state, why not just make the most of it? That’s easy for me to say I suppose as I’m a happy clapper I’m like Rads I’d go to watch West Ham in cow shed on the moon ( now THATS a global brand 😂} and I’d always think we will win every prize going but I’m not disappointed when we don’t. Have a good day fella.

  • Stan The Man says:

    Sometimes only sometimes this old bugger who has been following the irons for 65 years reads some blogs and comes away from them thinking what a bunch of self indulgent bunch of wally brains.Woe is me,poor me.
    I know im a crotchety old barsteward but lord give me strength they send you in a spiral of depression.

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