So we’re heading towards the busiest time of the year when de facto Director of Football David Sullivan will pull out a chque book and Jim White will dust off a yellow tie before DG tells us to be sure not to go to bed.
We all love it, much as we moan about it – the false rumours, the targets that slowly become reality before the great moment when the signings are announced fomally.
Today has been a busy with a new development over striker Alexander Lacazette giving the Irons renewed hope and the on-off saga of Reece Oxford coming to centre stage.
Our two mates over at partners Hammers Chat Geo and Gonzo have been chewing the fat over the reality and the fiction in the first transfer window special.
They have found a whole lot to talk about and the first video (above) is now available so take a look at learn what’s rumbling under.
That Brad is some sort of comedian isnt he.I have yet to see anything he has said that I haven’t’ already read that day or day before somewhere else.Cheeky b#stard,i admire his front lol
Loved that but sorry I only believe in Mystic Bradders 😉