West Ham media officer Rob Pritchard has confirmed that FC Lusitans has the rights to sell broadcast rights for Thursday night’s 2nd Leg Europa league first qualifying round match but he admitsย if they don’t exercise that right West Ham could ask them permission to stream it themselves.
However he does add on his personal twitter account “Obviously it also depends on the internet connection at the stadium, which we plan to investigate on arrival tomorrow”
The Estadi Comunal d’Andorra la Vella is situated in the mountains and has aย seated capacity of around 1,100 fans.
West Ham own coverage via WHUFC.com last Thursday was beset with technical problems with many fans unable to watch the match on the club’s own website although it was possible to watch the stream live on West Ham’s youtube channel.
Be good idea if the link was on here, hero worship to whoever does it ๐
Lol,i hadnt seen this youtube feed.Just had a quick look.He had a tilt going on big time.I think it must have been everytime he lent over to get his beer ๐
Oh well Ty,i will see on thursday which way to do it for the best.If it is on of course.Yeah that camerman was steaming wasnt he,corporate hospitality camerman had a straw in a bottle of bubbly while running the camera,lol
haha..my sort of drink! But not the kind for a cameraman who is live streaming for 25000 wh fans. lol. But as they say.. its better than nothing, finger crossed for Thursday evening. I don’t fancy listening to it on the radio.
Would the camera man be sober this time! ๐
I only watched the game through the link a couple of days later twinkle,i just assumed it would have been the same as how it was at the time.I went to the match so only watched it again on that link.Maybe live it was worse.Even Rob on a phone cant be worse than the cameraman on the youtube by the looks of it,he was off his head on something illegal i think ๐
I had a nightmare trying to watch it on youtube,kept on freezing.Must have been my signal if everyone else was ok.
You weren’t the only one
I didn’t miss one game i couldn’t attend last season..on p2p… well worth trying
I suppose it will all depend whether Rob can get an internet signal on his phone ๐
I couldn’t log on through website !! BUT had good quality feed through myp2p although
this was the betway feed. HOPE that helps.
Might give that a go,thanks ๐
Yeah i used the one on youtube through the Mail,worked fine for me as well ๐
The Daily Mail had a link for it last week, It worked well
The Daily Mail just rebroadcast West Ham’s official youtube channel
I didn’t know about this. Instead, I found something via the WHU Facebook page when the WHU website failed. Please be sure to keep us in the loop for any Thursday night 2nd leg broadcast