
Two more signings in the next 7 days


boleyninsiderThe club’s in house ITK has revealed that West Ham expect to sign two more players within the next week.

Speaking on the highly amusing Boleyn Insider column the club source said: “We have seen a lot of speculation linking players with the Club over the weekend ranging from Dimitri Payet to Diego Perotti. My understanding is that the Club are looking at a number of targets and are confident they can sign two more players in the next seven days.”

The Boleyn Insider went on to pat himself on the back that his report last week about the appointment of a new goal keeping coach was spot on after Chris Woods was announced today.

Finally he went on to reveal the draw for the Europa league will happen next Monday on 22nd June. I didn’t know that was a secret? I am sure UEFA publish that on their website and we had it a little earlier in the day.

The views in this article are not necessarily shared by ClaretandHugh or anybody else to be quite honest 🙂

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I am Season Ticket Holder in West stand lower at the London Stadium and before that, I used to stand in the Sir Trevor Brooking Lower Row R seat 159 in the Boleyn Ground and in the Eighties I stood on the terraces of the old South Bank. I am a presenter on the West Ham Podcast called Moore Than Just a Podcast A Blogger on West Ham Till I die a member of the West Ham Supporters Advisory Board (SAB), Founder of a Youtube channel called Mr West Ham Football at,

I am also the associate editor here at Claret and Hugh.

Life Long singer of bubbles! Come on you Irons!

Follow me at @Westhamfootball on twitter


  • markro says:

    I’m sure the ITK slot on the WHUFC website was meant as an amusement. I for one am enjoying the silliness of it all.

  • stuck on 99 forever says:

    Hendrie.Hamiltons the club he came from if thats who you are on about 😀

  • hammer4life says:

    I think he’s right footed bubs and has played right back. Don’t recall him on left but could be wrong. Hamilton is very left sided by all accounts. I, like you, am figuring Jenkinson will come. Not a big fan of Johnson and too old. I think if we want to move forward we have to stay away from old pros on the injury prone end of their careers.

  • bubs says:

    Reid covered left back when he first came to the club is he 2 footed ?
    What about the new lad from Hamilton how is he on his right hand side or Henry,
    Corluka is free and dependable Slaven trusts him,
    Jenkinson will come in the end it’s just a matter of being patient,
    Johnson still out there and has 3 years left in him,

  • hammer4life says:

    Sean, I don’t know why we need another centre back when we have Reid, Tomkins, Ginge, Burke, Henry and Oxford. You could argue the new one could act as cover for right back but so can Reid. I’d rather see us concentrate on midfield where we need real quality. If we can get more and creativity goals from midfield it will take pressure off the forward line.

  • bubs says:

    Matte is there no team in Italy want him,I tried the B liga teams but no takers here,
    Gibraltar could use him maybe and he could become coach

  • ChickenRunner says:

    Im more interested in any takers for Kevin Nolegs.Surely someone will take him off our hands,pls!! 😉

    • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

      We’ve had enquiries from the local glue factory but that’s about it lol

    • Tony gore says:

      Eagerly waiting as well,mind you! He will make a good tea bloke?if he doesn’t,nt get flummoxed

  • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

    Hopefully they’ll be as good as C&H’s two new signings

  • IronsEssex says:

    One will be Song **** knows the other, probably that ex *** player – corluka?

  • boys of '66 says:

    Oh yeah it is well funny.Just an absolutely pointless excerise 😉

  • Comedy gold though

  • boys of '66 says:

    This must be one of the most ridiculous things i have seen on an Offical Site,lol,what an absolute waste of time 😀

  • bubs says:

    Austin and Song that will do for this week
    Corluka and Modric that will do for next week
    Johnson and Oscar the week after
    Dream on

  • if the club didn’t know we were speaking to Chris Wood we would be in real trouble. lol

  • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

    Tbh I just don’t know how he does it,must have the powers of David Blaine lol

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