CandH blogger Pete Ellis takes another sideways look at us fans and how too often we want it both ways
Football fans. Which one are you? I must admit, at times I’ve been both!
As recently as 4.27pm on Saturday, I allowed myself get caught in the trap of thinking the worst as I discovered out of form, out of ideas and bang rubbish Norwich City, were 2-0 up versus my beloved Irons.
How dare they! They had lost five on the trot, we had just won an epic battle with Liverpool, and Payet had signed a contract with us, meaning he won’t leave until he collects his pension!
What was going on? I let myself down by tweeting that the lads can expect a nice Sunday morning training session.
As soon as I saw it I in black and white, I thought to myself: “What the hell are you doing?”
Low and behold, the Frenchman pops up on the end of a parried Moses shot, and a lovely couple of balls from Carroll and Payet set Noble up for a beaut of a strike!
Happy days, and egg on my face. I’m taking the credit though, as my tweet had the desired effect and no doubt Slav got the message to the boys and my career as a motivational speaker was born…..!!!! For the more intense among you, I jest!
At full time I saw the usual, “shoulda won” and “Emenike is rubbish ” along with a healthy splattering of the usual “u fickle (insert naughty word here)” which is often trotted out by those that keep their disappointment to themselves in the hope that it will be rewarded.
It got me thinking though. Is it better to be fickle, celebrating and praising a win, and slaughtering the players for a sub par performance and result, or is it more helpful to blindly support no matter what the tactics, selection or performance, without criticism?
We all love a win and hate a loss, but are you fickle for questioning a bad performance and praising a good one?
Are you more of a fan if you shut up and say nothing but pop your head above the parapet only to say “I told you so?” I think we all have a bit of both in us.
To be honest, If you sat idly by and accepted some of Big Sam’s dross then you are a bigger man than me. I was on his case big time.
That said, I was big enough to heap praise on him when the stumbled across that winning formula for the first few months of last season, with the caveat that he would only let himself down if he brought his two favourite sons back in the team as soon as they were fit. Sadly he was true to form and the rest was history, as was he.
My point is that to question under performance is fine, as is praise when it’s due. But the OTT knee jerk reactions are something very different. There are some who claim the manger has no clue and I unhesitatingly call them out on my social media. I can’t take that sort of nonsense seriously at all.
Yep, Bilic was clueless this week etc.
How fortunate he been so lucky for the other 20+ games eh?
My hissy fit on Saturday that was all of three minutes, was short due to the comeback, and the fact that it suddenly dawned on me we played a full on two hrs of football on the Tuesday, picked up more injuries, and despite this, were unlucky not to nick it on Saturday.
I nearly turned into one of those fans I laugh at. Fortunately normal service resumed very quickly.
Which one am I then? If I’m honest….. BOTH!!!
One final thing that made me chuckle on Saturday was when BT Sport presenter and Norwich fan Jake Humphrey, tweeted at 16:23 on Saturday: “Yessssssssss!!!!!!!! Knew we’d win today. This is what happens when John Ruddy comes back in. Whole team looks more solid with him in…”
I think that tweet was the very definition of “premature adulation”……
See you at Ewood. COYI !!!!
Hurts when it hits the spot does it not whu64,
I moved on when Hippo did,it’s others that keep bringing up,
If you read the article above I think your see BFS mentioned,and the article is about people with different views it’s only the Hippo lovers who have tried all season to turn on Slav the few time we have had bad results,
But hey ho I will let it go until it raises its head again
Good post, I have been both but mostly I will support the team and manager up until a point, like you when Sam had stumbled onto a winning formula last season I was prepared to cut him some slack but when he reverted to his negativity and his agent signed players he was no longer a viable option for the future, he is doing well at Sunderland now like he does at most clubs but when they are out of trouble he will do what he always does only play players that are signed with the agent that most likely pays him a cut of the playing percentages they make. Thats more than enough about Allardyce onto our beloved club, I think if like the Norwich game and so many this season there is a habit repeating itself I don’t see any issue with voicing your opinions either from the crowd at the games or on forums etc its one thing to make a mistake once or twice but to do it repeatedly is not on, work on fixing it asap. Effectively our cup game against Blackburn is another of these, if we start slow again like all these lesser teams there is only so many times we can get away with that and in cup games there is not always the opportunity to put it right.
Absolutely spot on….100%
Good post Pete and an enjoyable read !
Another great read and yes I have both in me to,
But if something gets on my tilts such as Hippo I can’t hide and have to say it as it is,
I can understand the BFS faithful standing by him for a month or two this year but now they need to back off and except that we were right and his departure was the best for the club,
Who exactly comes on here and says he shouldn’t of left when he did? The majority of fans even ones who backed (or put up with him) acknowledged the last 5 months was unacceptable and he should go, it was time for change. It’s so much better for nearly everyone to a man, woman or child, no matter where you are in the world to be hind Bilic.
You seem to be one of the few that keeps harping on about it, for what reason I really have no idea Bubs.
Let it go 😉
Mr SSaunders…very nice reply.I am in Victoria Australia after age 16 to 40 in the South Bank and Season Ticket following Hills borough. I love West Ham.
But don’t let us forget that its a game and sometimes it doesn’t work for us. Just sing Bubbles….all the emotions and reality are there. We are onto a good thing at present cos D & D have done us proud. Thank God for true supporters. If we get European football or a shot at the top lets be realistic. Would we moan if it didn’t happen the following year. Ther’s a huge amount of investment and effort in going forward..but there is in 20 other clubs.
Man City and Chelsea moan and sack the manager if they are off the pace for a bit….
they were **** when I was a boy getting 17,000 in the 2nd division.
Get real and enjoy where we are at at present. Southampton was a bummer…but was Arsenal, Liverpool and Man City? Take it easy and take the positives.
I was disappointed That Zola was shown the door , the Wolves game etc. But I dont think we would have got relegated in the same fashion as A Grant delivered.
So I was a bit wary of D&D (I liked Zola’s Press presece). Time goes on and we are experiencing “hope” like 85 but tinged with a prospect of continuation as the Board / Management/ most fans are solid.
sorry about how long this is!
Good read. I sit in an office as the lonely West ham fan surrounded by Spuds, Pool and Arse fans. Spuds fans are surprised by the way they are playing and are expecting a fall anytime soon. Pool fans expect more from their team but are willing to wait and judge Klopp on next season. The Arse fans expect to win easilly each week and complain about how bad one of their players played even when they win 3-0. I cannot stand the Arse fans. I tell them each week try living a season as a West Ham fan. You will get used to the dissapointment and expectation of not winning when you thought you should. This season I have been a very happy Hammer. I can see a bright future for us. I do not moan when we lose, I do not complain about some of the teams performance when we win. I am a life long Hammer and am used to both by now. I am happy that the Dave’s have given us a future and am looking forward to taking my children to the OS to watch some European football, be it next season or one of the ones to follow, as we will get there eventually. COYI