
West Ham to earn £250 million this season


money_in_footballWest Ham posted record figures last month for last season showing turnover  had reached £142m, leap frogging both Everton and Newcastle in terms of financial power.

However, this season’s figures will blow last season’s figures out of the water as West Ham smash through the two hundred million barrier on their way to a quarter of a billion pounds turnover.

This season’s accounts will show the sale of the Boleyn ground for £38m, the first year’s revenue of the new mega bumper TV rights deal worth as much as £128m for matching last season’s seventh spot in the Premier League but worth £122m for finishing in tenth.

Ticket sales at the London Stadium are expected to rise by £13m to around £40m as the number of season tickets doubled after capacity was increased from 35,000 to 57,000.

You would reasonably expect commercial and sponsorship revenue to rise by another 30% to around £25m after the move to the London Stadium and retail should hopefully double to £19m after moving into the new, improved and enlarged mega store.

Incredibly the club’s turnover for the year ending 31st May 2017 could come in at a staggering £250 million when it is finally revealed in February 2018.

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I am Season Ticket Holder in West stand lower at the London Stadium and before that, I used to stand in the Sir Trevor Brooking Lower Row R seat 159 in the Boleyn Ground and in the Eighties I stood on the terraces of the old South Bank. I am a presenter on the West Ham Podcast called Moore Than Just a Podcast A Blogger on West Ham Till I die a member of the West Ham Supporters Advisory Board (SAB), Founder of a Youtube channel called Mr West Ham Football at,

I am also the associate editor here at Claret and Hugh.

Life Long singer of bubbles! Come on you Irons!

Follow me at @Westhamfootball on twitter


  • Hammer64 says:

    Exactly right Sean- good points. A lot of this hype about the ‘riches’ of the PL, which comes out when the experts are droning on about how dreadful relegation is & the ‘promised land of the PL’ when discussing promotion is just that- hype. It doesn’t make the owners rich or the clubs stronger. It just goes straight into the pockets of players-and agents. So it remains a race to 40 points for those outside the top 4-6. A race just to stand still. Modern football- depressing innit?

  • Hammer and Pickle says:

    West Ham bookkeeper Wittel who knows exactly what the true figures are im sure lmao

  • Of the predicted £250m turn over £30m went straight back out again paying off £15m of bank loans and the £15m contribution for the new stadium. We spent another £8m on the fit out of the shop and the seats.

    I can see us paying off and stopping the £30m pay day loan.We have already spent £45m on players last summer and this January. Wage bill will probably top £100m

    So that’s £213m gone already straight out the window

    As the turn over goes up so does the outgoings

  • Willtell says:

    £250m! That’s journalistic rubbish. Try adding up the figures! And even then some of that is speculation as to what will get sold. £200m is good but to headline it as £250m is just a what always gets me about journalists and their exaggerations.
    £122m + £40m + £25m + £19m = £206m

    • TRY AGAIN: Sale of UP £38m, £122m finishing 10th, ticket sales expected to rise to 40m, commercial and sponsorship revenue to rise by another 30% to around £25m after the move to the London Stadium and retail should hopefully double to £19m

      EQUALS = 244m and the last line of story says COULD REACH £250M

  • John says:

    Yeah you are right Max let’s just forget the outgoings and spend the whole £250M on new players

    Don’t give up the day job mate 😂

  • Max Willow says:

    If the 250 million figure is accurate, then every penny should be dedicated to bringing in the 4-6 top quality players we need to make it through to the next level (top 6 EPL finish).
    Unfortunately, this sort of money is needed to get the players who can ‘do the business’- a sad reflection of the power of money in this modern era of football.

  • John says:

    Stop putting a downer on it Sean! Surely, like Arse before them, they’ll have 5 years of debts to pay for their new toilet?

    H&P that’s another bug bear of mine. Don’t people see Sullivan HAS to take the 7% interest otherwise he will be loaning the club money to no advantage over say Gold, the icelandics and Storey, who don’t injection money, with no financial advantage. Why can’t people see that? Tell ’em Sean!

    Also, 7% is a rubbish return to a businessman like Sullivan. He can double or triple that. My pension pot and ISA’s earned 22% last year. Go figure. Will it stop people whinging? I’ll not hold my breath.

    • Stan The Man says:

      The 7% interest is a massive drama for some young John.They must be accountants i can only assume.I mean most normal fans couldnt give a fig about it lol

      • Hammer and Pickle says:

        Lmao Sean has done a piece on whtid as well.They are already having a moan up about lies and being let down.Miserable scrotums.

        • John says:

          It does my head in lads. My investments are with St James Place. Average return over the 5 years that S&G have been involved in West Ham is 16% pa. 2016 was 22%. Google it if you need to check, now is it beyond these guys to understand that if someone like me can achieve these levels of return then S&G can?

          7% pa is a poor return. It’s not rocket science. What is more the banks wouldn’t lend that money so the Daves are our saviours as uncomfortable as that might be to some

  • Unfortunately Spurs will also be increasing their turn over this season. they are likely to get £140m from TV plus tens of millions from Champions league TV rights. They also get increased ticket revenue from playing at Wembley. It’s a cat and mouse game. The more we earn the more the top six earn more than us. The club who finishes the premier league in last place will get £97m in TV money this season

  • Hammer and Pickle says:

    Ha in your dreams John.I wonder how long it will be before the fan accountants start chuntering about 7% interest lmao

  • John says:

    We’re coming for you we’re coming for you oh Tottscum we are coming for you 😂😂⚒

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