West Ham’s former academy director Terry Westley – now adviser to the J League – has revealed a new proposal from Japan which will allow fans to safely watch football again as their health scare crisis eases.
ClaretandHugh’s exclusive blogger – speaking from his home in lock-downed France – revealed: “The suggestion is this morning that the capacity inside the Japan’s stadiums is cut by half in order to enable social distancing.
“And they are already installing thermo scanners which will give people’s temperatures as they pass through the gates and can be turned away if too – they are the same as airport security scanners but for health purposes.
“Things are improving in Japan and it may well be possible to get things underway but this is only because it s a respectful nation where people do what they are told and heed advice. The UK needs the same attitude .”
Westley and his family are now in a situation where they are in possession of a permit which allows them to leave the home only once a day for a walk of no further than 1km.
He added: I think we are looking at June for future football but there’s no way of knowing for certain of course. In Britain I see clubs in the lower divisions going to the wall. Chief executives of clubs ill be looking at their businesses in a very different way.
I send my best to the club and all ClaretandHugh followers and stay safe.”