DG’s big assurance to CandH

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By SeanWhetstone

David Gold’s daughter Vanessa is a big West Ham fan like her dear departed father and is the most likely to take her Dad’s place on the West Ham board we understand

Gold’s other daughter Jacqueline’s husband, Dan Cunningham, is a passionate hardcore West Ham fan and is already on the board after his appointment last year.

A few years ago, I interviewed David Gold and asked him what would happen after David Sullivan and himself were not around anymore.

DG – being DG – had no issues answering such poignant questions and made it clear that the Gold family would always play a part on the future of the club.

Vanessa would often travel with her late father to games up and down the country and as the likely holder of 12.5 per cent of the shares looks set for a seat on the board.

DH was always keen to discuss the future after investing millions into the Hammers and said:  “It is our intention to pass on our shares in West Ham to our children who have got the same passion as us.

My two daughters would inherit my shares, their passion for our football club is not dissimilar to my own, and I think sometimes their passion is greater so from my point of view if something happened to me, my daughters would step up to the plate.

I am confident they will carry on the same passion and have the same desires that I have had so I have got no concern about that.

I have no qualms, and  I want to reassure all fans  that West Ham is in a dynasty, That  might sound a bit highfalutin, but you have two powerful families, the Gold family and the Sullivan family, and it is not just David and myself, it is really is two families.

Allall the members of the families are passionate about this football club, they recognise that this is their dad’s life ambition and they are passionate in themselves, but they also have respect what their fathers tried to achieve”

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