DS finds homeless Steve!

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David Sullivan’s hunt for the homeless man featured on TV after the Manchester terrorist outrage has proved successful.

The Hammers co chairman – speaking on BBC Radio 5 Live said: “It looks like he needs some help, so we are desperate to find who he is and give him six months free accommodation and a little bit of money to help him on his way.”

Steve Jones who helped after the cowardly terrorist attack told ITV: Because I am homeless doesn’t mean that I’ve not got a heart. I’m still human still.

They needed the help, I’d like to think that someone would come and help me if I needed the help. It’s just instinct to go and help, if someone needs your help and it was children. I mean, it was children with a lot of blood all over them. 

Sullivan told Claret and Hugh earlier in the day : “We are trying to work with a charity in Manchester where we pay not just for accommodation, but clothes etc in the hope we can get him a job and a normal life.”

And later, his son David jnr tweeted: WE HAVE FOUND STEVE ! Shows the power for good social media has. Thank you to all those involved, you have helped change a mans life

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