London Stadium capacity increase update

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West Ham are seeking to increase the capacity are seeking to increase the permitted capacity of the London Stadium from 60,000 to 62,500 for club football matches.  This is being sought through a combination of two planning applications 19/00372/NMA and 20/00060/VAR.

The LLDC Principal Planning Development Manager Richard McFerran responding to a query from Claret and Hugh said:

“Consultation comments were made by a range of stakeholders in response to these applications. Specifically, comments from London Borough of Newham and TfL raised some concerns resulting from the proposals, principally in relation to adverse impacts upon public highways and transport networks. “

“LLDC are currently liaising with the applicant to address these concerns and we expect to be in a position to present the applications to our Planning Decisions Committee later this year for determination. “

 Claret and Hugh understand the planning issues are minor and the club are confident these can be resolved to achieve planning permission later this year.

The permission will not come before the start of the season in four weeks time but could be approved by the New year allowing an additional 2,500 half-season tickets to be sold next year. The new capacity of 62,500 will leapfrog Arsenal and the Emirates but will be 300 less than Spurs new stadium at 62,850.

Late last year Tottenham were given permission by Haringey Council to increase the capacity of their stadium by more than 500. Spurs increased the number of seats at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium from 62,303 to 62,850.

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