MIke’s big question: Why did you become a Hammer?

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It’s the eternal question always asked of us long suffering Hammers – how did you become one. Why West Ham?

And in a different kind of video our Mike (not on Monday) on this occasion has been putting it to old and young alike but is there really and answer.

He meets Englishman, Scots and Belfast boys who give their explanations and wide and varied they are too.

We are grateful to Mike for giving us the exclusive use of this video initially and invite you to leave your answers to the question either on the CandH FB group @https://www.facebook.com/groups/363174467150521/?ref=bookmarks or on the Leave comment at the website.

Me? It happened in 1962 when despite being born in darkest Kent 🙂 when after following Charlton as a child I moved to the ‘smoke’ and was taken down Green Street to the Boleyn for the first time.

After that it was no contest and I have been on the dark side ever since and loving every minute of it!

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