OS seats and pitch take shape

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A new image published today shows more progress at the Olympic Stadium as retractable seating is moved forward ready for Rugby matches. The first  will be played at the end of this month when the Barbarians take on Samoa.

Retractable seating will come to the edge of the running track at the sides while completely covering the running track at each end, thus bringing fans closer to the pitch and the action.

The image also reveals two Desso machine tents in the process of installing a full Desso Grassmaster Pitch before the Rugby World Cup takes place. The Desso GrassMaster is a mix of artificial and natural grass. The artificial grass fibres are injected 20 centimetres deep, and cover about 5% of the surface.

While the grass is growing, the roots intertwine with the artificial fibres. The designers claim this anchors the field to create a solid, even structure with good drainage and ‘playing comfort’.

The new pitch will measure 105m long x 68m when marked out for football. The current multi use grassed area is 120m long and 72.3m wide so is 15 metres longer than the lined pitch and 4.3 metres wider. Supporters in the front row will be 20 metres from the pitch lines at the half way line once the seats have been moved fully forward and 18 metres from the goals line directly behind the goals. The closest seats to the pitch will be at the corner flags which will be 12 metres away from the marked corners.

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