West Ham squad in lap of luxury

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Having been greeted by over 2,000 fans after landing in Australia the Hammers found themselves in the lap of luxury within one of Perth’s smartest hotels.

As our picture shows life as a Premier League football is about as good as it gets and the club is sparing no expense in accommodating their players as well and better than one may expect.

The West Ham squad, manager and back up staff are staying the five star hotel Crown Towers Perth which is a stone’s throw from the Optus stadium they will play Perth Glory and Spurs.

Rooms in the luxury hotel start from £280 ranging up to £985 for a suite per night. Players were greeted at the hotel by local Hammers fans who sung West Ham are massive as they checked in.

The Hammers play Perth Glory on Saturday 15th July with a 11am kick off (UK time)  they then face Spurs on Tuesday 18th July also in the Optus stadium and also with a 11am kick off (6pm local Australian time)

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