
A quick word on VAR…spirit of football being ruined


According to the Premier League website , VAR was created to be used only in deciding errors and missed incidents in four different match-changing situations. These are goals, penalty decisions, direct red card incidents and mistaken identity. They go on to say, VAR “will positively influence decision making and lead to more correct and fairer judgments.”


Even though VAR can be seen as an advancement for the sport, if it wishes to improve and satisfy the majority of both fans and players, the system has to be used in a proper and balanced way and is not relied on for every decision in the game.

Overall, I think most people agree that VAR has had a catastrophic impact on the function of English league football.

We all love the idea of having better and more accurate decisions made in a football match but VAR has brought it to the ridiculous extreme whereby the slightest errors with non-goal scoring body parts of players being called offside or blatantly obvious penalties like last night  and fouls being given or not.

These events ruin the spirit of football as it now a sport of millimetres and fouls rather than the free-flowing game all football fans love and enjoy.


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  • Bella100 says:

    All V.A.R has done in my opinion is that it has confirmed that the so called big 6 get all the decisions in their favour,, if that was at Anfield last night with Liverpool attacking the Kop end it’s a penalty all day long everyday……….. referees & V.A.R will never have an effect on the premier league’s obsession with the big 6

  • barnie884 says:

    My 2c worth
    So Sport should evolve, many sports use video technology effectively. I think VaR as a concept is a very good thing. Imagine Hammers not winning a trophy through a dodgy decision, or being relegated because of one?
    Statistically when they publish the figures VaR is correct way more times than it’s wrong, so that must be a good thing, no?
    For me the main issues are:
    Standard of officials: Clearly not up to the job and not consistent. Why is there not an ex player involved?
    Rules: VaR rules and EPL rules are overly complex and too open to interpretation (last nights handball for example?) – Keep it simple, and if unsure get the ref to have a look. I believe if you make rules of both clearer and more simple, it would be quicker and more accurate
    In summary, it’s not VaR thats at fault IMO – its the people involved

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