Big Sam has spoken about Sports Science and i’s role to help reduce injuries
“As the years tick on there’s more and more research and science that comes into the game about how to prevent injuries. The biggest key to any football club today is not to treat the players from the injury that they sustain, but to totally focus as best you can on your prevention of injury policy. You can’t prevent trauma injuries, those are the injuries that are unpredictable. In today’s football, they seem to be happening more and more because of the intensity that the game is played with. The change of direction, the jumping, landing, turning and collisions are much more volatile because of the pace of the game. Trauma injuries are becoming a bigger part of the game. Cruciate ligament injuries, metatarsal breaks and things like that. It’s something that we all realise has increased over the last few years because of the development of the game. Trying not to sustain too many hamstrings, calves, thighs and muscle injuries is the best that you can possibly do. There’s a lot of science behind it and the player today has to be dedicated in that area. Rather than just training and going home, there’s sections that they have to do to keep their bodies in the best shape that they possibly can to not sustain those types of injuries.”