David Gold is a supporter of safe standing areas but stop short of saying such a section could be introduced at the Olympic Stadium.
And this is probably because he can’t, as the stadium’s operators are the group responsible for deciding whether such a radical move could be delivered.
Many Hammers fans are passionate about a return to such an arrangement but whilst admitting he agrees with them, that’s as far as it can probably be taken.
The co chairman was asked on twitter by a follower: “David, have you seen that Celtic will have safe standing next season, is this something we plan to do in the future at OS ?”
DG’s response is short and to the point as he declares: “I support safe standing.”
However, like much else involved at the OS we as tenants have limited input and with various other sports and activities being arranged it is unlikely there would be any change introduced.
Make the new 5000 extra seats safe standing areas,they will sell like hot cakes,then any advance on searing could be introduced the same,
Never have liked sitting,the old days were much better the atmosphere ten times better,
The whole day out was better experience
But beer was less the £1 a pint a hot dog was 50p
Just like Spain