
Hammers confusion…Rob Newman remains


West Ham’s recruitment agenda which includes manager David Moyes and technical director Tim Steidten is causing plenty of confusion within the club.

For it seems that despite the belief Moyes appointment as head of recruitment, Rob Newman, would be on his way with the arrival of the new technical director, he remains very much in place.

We were told when asking whether he was still at the club  that was the case and there is no intention at this stage of coming to any mutual agreement on a possible  departure.

As a result Steidten – as can be seen from the targets being pursued – remains very much in the Hammers wilderness and according to a source close to him “not at all sure of his role at the club.”

Indeed, as some have suggested elsewhere, we were told that unless it becomes clear what his purpose is at the club he could, as a last resort, decide to resign.

We have learned that it is Newman and Moyes who are pursuing targets and that David Sullivan is doing the financial negotiations which of course leaves the new man out in the cold.

At every other club , the manager is seen as the head coach who hands his list of required players to the technical director who then seeks them out matching one or two as closely to the manager’s requirements as possible.

It seems that at West Ham, this may not be the case at all with the manager and Newman pursuing and deciding on who they want to sign before telling Sullivan to do the negotiating.

The best example of how the technical director’s job works is at Manchester City where Brian Marwood conducts the job as football administrator on behalf of the club and head coaches.

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • hammerpete6 says:

    How not to do it- the Sequel. Starring Sullivan and Moyes.

  • Hammers in the blood 1 says:

    We can blame DM then for not getting any targets over the line . The situation has me worried as a fan , we need new good signings. Surely DM should at least listen and look at Steidten‘s list. We might get a mixture of Dm & Steidten‘s targets that might be a good balance . But FFS get on with it !

  • SelsdonHammer says:

    This is a farcical situation and it is little surprise that it has resulted in chaos. With Newman and Moyes at the helm of transfers we are going nowhere fast. It is time for Sullivan to make a statement, or take action, preferably by backing Steidten 100%, as he has created this scenario and is allowing it to fester. This hardly gives the appearance of an efficient, well-run organisation and it is Sullivan who is presiding over it. What is going on, Sullivan? .

  • Clive says:

    Although I don’t know whether true but I have heard Steidten is actually busily engaged with negotiating outgoing players rather than incoming players and is currently negotiating with Torino over Vlasic.

    • Where u hear that?

      • Clive says:

        From one of my senior sources lol.

        • Yeah I’m surprised you don’t have your own web site you appear to be such a great writer!!

          • Clive says:

            Maybe I will Hugh. Lol. Just repeat all the stories I hear from elsewhere right?
            I heard the Steidten Vlasic story from Inside futbol who I think did just that and copied the story from Italy where it’s being reported by the likes of Tutto Mercato etc.

            • Please do. I really don’t know why you remain having said you were leaving cos your work here is done. The Vlasic story has been everywhere and attributed by us whenever posted which is the case with every other site. I think I’ll save you the bother of complaining about us anymore which appears to be your only reason for being here. “Just repeat all the stories I hear from elsewhere right?” This is what you call disagreeing is it? We rubn many exclusives which are copied by all other sites. Not a word from you about them. Cheers

          • Clive says:

            Complaining? Disagreeing maybe. If you don’t like a decent debate. If you get rid of anyone who disagrees with you like myself and the guy called Kevin that used to comment on here for instance, you won’t ever have much of a forum here you realise that don’t you? You’ll just have a load of Johnhams on here wanting to sack the manager every day.

            • I like debate, but yours isn’t DECENT as you put it adding that you intend to leave and don’t, but come back with more of the same. You are regularly knocking the site rather than talking football so all the best. I have listened to it for over a thousand comments from you.Clive1,309 approved . I think this shows I don’t mind you disagreeing with me.

              “Just repeat all the stories I hear from elsewhere right?” This is what you call disagreeing is it? We run many exclusives which are copied by all other sites. Not a word from you about them. – that’s why you are on your way. Once people become personal towards the site that’s it! There are many other sites where you can have a moan up about Cand H so it shouldn’t be an issue for you. You will probably have a great forum when you start your website so no problem. I don’t recall Kevin but then we do have 250k followers. As a result I don’t need telling how to run the site or a forum. Cheers

  • Pessimist says:

    If this is true Moyes and Newman should be sacked and Moyes should be kicked out making clear it is for Misconduct. So they don’t have to pay him.

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