An interesting article today in the Daily Mail which will not please our landlords LLDC. It transpires that they will be dealt a “big blow” should the Hammers win the UEFA Europa Conference League.
It appears that the Hammers original deal with their London stadium landlords, the LLDC, included a few intriguing bonuses.
If we win the Champions League, we would have to give them a bonus of £1m.
If we win the Europa League, it’s £100,00 to the LLDC. But rather fortuitously when the agreement was reached, the Europa Conference League was just an idea not a competition, so the Daily Mail claim that the LLDC are not due a penny if West Ham United triumph.
With West Ham still looking to land naming rights for the London Stadium in order to make it their own, the club landlords will be trying to acquire any kind of bonus they can.
Bearing in mind the bad blood between West Ham and the LLDC, this could get messy !
Should the Hammers reach to Final and win it they will receive a total of £15 million.
WH will need a big sponsor once Betway won’t be allowed on shirts and stadium. The pre-season trip to Oz might prove fruitful in that respect. A few seasons back they visited the U.S.
and got more than a few new fans on board. WH are a lot of fans second team especially when they put in shifts like the one against Man U. Is the battle with UK Athletics over? Looking at the stadium and pitch it seems so. I’m sure WH can afford to give LLDC an amount to keep their toys in the pram.