Nordveit,has looked OK but has been used as a fill in,3 positions and not 2 in a row.I don’t know how many of our new players will eventually make it,but you have to give a foreign player, at least ten games in the same role for them to get used to their new surroundings and team mates.We have several of these type of players to accommodate. COYI
All time classic Geo – If it wasn’t for goal-line technology, it wouldn’t have been a goal! The ball was over the line, there is goal-line technology , it was a goal – lol. Gonzo is spot on with his description of Zaza – He isn’t up to it. £10m wasted on him and Tore – that’s the Tonks money down the drain and only if we return to sender in January. An abundance of quantity with limited quality best describes our summer business. Payet too good for us currently. Painful to admit but true.
Nordveit,has looked OK but has been used as a fill in,3 positions and not 2 in a row.I don’t know how many of our new players will eventually make it,but you have to give a foreign player, at least ten games in the same role for them to get used to their new surroundings and team mates.We have several of these type of players to accommodate. COYI
It’s a trade off – you can’t play Payet, Antonio and Lanzini in the same team – they don’t defend at all and put the defence under too much pressure.
Goal Line Technology is what it is – it was a goal end-of – what are they on about?
Zaza and Tore are pony – completely useless!
All time classic Geo – If it wasn’t for goal-line technology, it wouldn’t have been a goal! The ball was over the line, there is goal-line technology , it was a goal – lol. Gonzo is spot on with his description of Zaza – He isn’t up to it. £10m wasted on him and Tore – that’s the Tonks money down the drain and only if we return to sender in January. An abundance of quantity with limited quality best describes our summer business. Payet too good for us currently. Painful to admit but true.