Should – by some awful quirk of fate – Sam Allardyce not be sacked at tomorrow’s board meeting – West Ham can forget all hopes of signing a quality striker this summer!
Sixteen games and two goals on, Andy Carroll continues to command a position up front whenever he is fit, demonstrating very ably indeed why no other front man wanted to join the Hammers last summer.
And in turn that’s why BFS eventually blew the £5 million he had left of his budget on the dubious talents of Stewart Downing.
The manager went for Salomon Kalou when failing in the move for Demba Ba. He immediately said thanks but no thanks because he couldn’t see himself getting past £16 million AC and wanted to play in World Cup qualification year.
Now – all these months on – the marquee signing of last summer is on his way to a Dubai holiday after finding himself edged out of the World Cup squad by a bloke seven years his senior – Rickie Lambert.
As we anticipate, before awaiting the outcome of tomorrow’s showdown meeting between manager and board, one thing is certain, there is much to fear.
For should the correct sacking decision not be made over Allardyce we will be relying on AC for yet another season – or even more – without any chance of attracting a quality back-up player.
A ClaretandHugh source told us exclusively tonight: ” You reported totally accurately that the big issue on tomorrow’s agenda is Allardyce’s relationship with the fans – or the lack of one!
“But actually it’s entirely impossible to see how he can save his position on that front. It’s all gone too far now.
“But if the board bottle the decision to get rid of him the squad will remain s unbalanced and thin next season as it is now. No decent striker will come to the club.
“Allardyce has made Carroll a total untouchable and sent out the worst possible message to the world’s strikers.
“West Ham is of no attraction at all to them because they know that if Carroll’s fit they simply won’t play.
“For the sake of everybody at this club and the rebuilding of the squad there’s only one sensible decision the club can make – get rid of Allardyce.
“If they don’t, this squad of players will take them down next season – they just aren’t good enough and two goals from a £16 million striker shows you jus how wrong Allardyce has got it.”
I think people forget the treatment of Carlton Cole a man with 70 goals for us including 6 goals this season! Nolan is top goalscorer but in that free role his given in BFS team, Ravel or carlton would score more if they played every week with the freedom Nolan is given.
Nolan is a great captain and obviously a good bloke but as long as BFS is manager he will play him.
I’m grateful for Sam work and I rate him as a manager to a level but I feel my football club
have to be more ambitious and attracting the best manager we can because we need to push to that next level. In order to do this we need a top top manager someone who has won Trophies or at least one trophy! We need winners in the camp that way we play good football attract more winners we win trophies, that’s what every supporter wants we deserve it.
Bring in a manager who has a trophy to record as a manager someone who can attract top players and most importantly give whu that winning mentality and create something beautiful. We have the new stadium future coming up this next 10 days the decision is crucial.
People who argue when BFS is sacked by clubs ie: Blackburn, Newcastle they get relegated. Well if this is the case at some point when we sack him we are at risk but I would rather take that risk now 2 years from OS than get a season closer.
The other difference is the above clubs sacked BFS mid season we can’t take that risk that’s why we have an opportunity to do that now.
Give the new manager a good pre season to build and hopefully introduce the beauty of football attacking !! We need quicker full backs and two £15M players in a 3 behind Carroll we have a decent squad then.
Said this all along, who told the Club’s media department to treat Carroll as a God, why aS all media & PR concentrated on AC, was this all down to Sam? Carroll has never been good enough since joining LIverpool, but no Sam put all his eggs in one basket, and it has failed miserably. Who agreed to pay Carroll his disgusting high salary, instead of telling him to prove himself, when it was known that NO other club was interested in Andy! SAM has to GO Now, and we need to Hope that he may take the likes if Nolan and Carroll with him, it is down to Mr Sullivan, the club’s future is in his hands tonight, make the right decision SAM HAS TO GO NOW!
Dead right, we can’t afford to have players having a guaranteed place when they, more than often, don’t perform. In the short while he had on Sunday Carlton looked better than Andy Carroll.
We need a manager with vision and flare. No we will not be relegated with BFS, but we will never win anything either. The board need to be brave and take a bit of a gamble. The question is with who? Let’s bring back a desire to win with competition for place.