
Excited Adrian is on his marks


Adrian_3164087bTerrace hero Adrian is ready to launch himself back into action hopefully at Manchester City this weekend.

ClaretandHugh revealed this morning that some insiders believe that Darren Randolph should hold onto the keeper’s job after performing well over the last three games.

But the No 1 is more than ready to return after a month on the sidelines and the odds are he will get the nod.

He was sent off in the final seconds of the game against Leicester City as the Irons chased the game, lifting a foot as he turned to race back into his own half after joining the attack.

Despite appealing the card the Hammers lost out and – with the international break as well – the stopper believes he has been away for too long.

Taking to Twitter he declared: “After an eternity(a month) banned…excited,available & ready for saturday!Looking forward next gameΒ  βš’

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • RayStewartsRightPeg says:

    I would hope Randolph keeps his place if only to send out a message that if you lose your first team place, for any reason, you don’t just automatically walk back in. That would be a refreshing change from the last regime.

  • Radai Lama says:

    Randolph deserves to keep his place on the strength of doing nothing wrong,but to be honest if Adrian comes back in im fine with that.He is our No.1 keeper & if he plays i dont have an issue with him taking his rightful place between the sticks.Harsh on Randolph but he knows he is the No.2 so shouldnt have an issue if he is replaced now Adrians ban is up πŸ˜‰

  • johnboy says:

    Agree with you rads !!!!
    Randolph will get game time in the cups no doubt !!!!!
    As will oxford and a few more .

  • sparrow says:

    I hope Randolph keeps his place, he has earned it, for the very reason Ray gives in the first comment.

  • Sams P45 says:

    Adrian back in for me.He is our No.1 keeper so play your No.1 player who is the best in that position.I rate Randolph but would have Adrian in everyday of the week over him.Just do it Slav.No place for sentimentality,we got a game to win πŸ˜€

  • johnboy says:

    I understand the point about the last regime and I am one hundred percent behind it ,
    But it doesn’t apply to the keepers !!!
    Tommo and jenks yes but not the keepers .
    Adrian is our best keeper and it was’nt his fault he got banned and you can’t say he had
    a bad game !!!
    Adrian for me !

  • exsoulie says:

    The issue over which keeper should start,shows that our back up keeper is performing well and we have another keeper that gives us fans confidence when he is selected.

  • bubs says:

    You sell your self out John,
    Your argument does not hold water Tomkins is not a right back and in everyone’s view Jenks is number 1 right back,
    I have backed you with the Jenks position but not now you want just one change,
    In the board and managers eyes Carroll is number 1 CF so Sakho should move over,
    If Adrien gets the nod and makes a howler and we lose 1 nil there will be a uproar,
    Play for places is my call

  • Boys of 66 says:

    Adrian for me.He is our No.1 Goalkeeper & you play your No.1 keeper if he is fit & available.It works in exactly the same way with Randolph bubs,if he screws up everyone will say why the hell wasnt our best or No.1 keeper playing.Btw,different john bubs.Jenks critic is Johnham not Johnboy,lol πŸ˜‰

  • HamburgHammer says:

    It depends on what kind of role Bilic wants from Randolph this season. If he has sat down with him and explained to him that he will be a backup this season then Adrian will go straight back in.
    If, however, Randolph’s job is to push Adrian for the jersey then Adrian needs to wait for Randolph to slip up. There is nothing wrong with establishing a system where each goalkeeper gets to stay in the team until his performance level drops.
    You need your goalkeepers on the same page though.
    So if Randolph is aware he is merely the backup goalie then Adrian will play against Man City, if he is seen as a genuine threat for Adrian then Randolph will keep his place for the time being.

  • TysonM says:

    Think Adrian has got to be seen as No.1 hasnt he.Pretty sure Randolph must know that as well.Was only a few weeks ago that there was talk of swapping Randolph for Green.Pretty much tells me the lines have been drawn as to who is No.1.I would be surprised if Adrian isnt seen as our first choice keeper by Bilic.But Randolph is good competition for him,im more than happy to have two keepers who can perform in The Prem with confidence πŸ˜‰

  • johnboy says:

    Point I was trying to make bubs was that jenkinson had more than a mare when he came back into the side and tommo who can play CH and RB deserved his place on performance and style Bilic is playing in?
    Jenks as we all know isn’t the best at defending but good going forward down the flank ,
    Bilic isn’t using this tactic so tommo is quite happy in that role . and as for carol being no 1
    I beg to differ , I can’t see carol putting in the shifts sakho does with his pace work rate
    And I don’t know how Bilic is going to accommodate him ? Carol can bully defences but the system isn’t set up for that , its set up for counter attack and pace, carol needs a wing back
    Or wide man putting in crosses to get on the end of but this system isn’t working like that at present . I like sakho and for me at the moment is no 1 choice and carol has to prove himself to displace him , then we”ve got the lovely dilemma of incorporating Valencia when fit ? Maybe when this system is perfected then a plan b and c will come in to produce a different approach using wing backs and even a direct approach when chasing a game .
    But its just my opinion mate !
    And bilic’s headache ???

  • bubs says:

    Sorry John wrong John not having ago mate just to me there has to be one rule,
    Adrien has not been at his best this year he is now not match fit,has not played under the new style of defending in numbers and breaking fast,
    If Valencia does not fit back in I hope Marinio still has the hots for him and we can do a deal to bring Moses full time,but if not I ain’t anti Valencia and this new style should suit him,
    Just prefer Tomkins at right back away against City we don’t need wing backs we need to stop Silva and Navas as they are there pipe line to Aguerro,Bony I think can be controlled,
    Our forwards will scare their defenders and agree Sakho is a must at the moment

  • johnboy says:

    That’s OK bubs ! No offence taken anyway !
    Kolorov is a big player when city go forward if we keep him quiet and block him off when we counter they will be wide open down the right !
    He may even be told to not venture because of our pace !!!!
    Which will benefit us as well !!!!
    Pellagrinni has a problem !!!!!!
    Gungho or respect the oppo !!!
    Either way we ain’t got nothing to lose !!!

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