
Irons monitor Reds midfielder


MataWest Ham are monitoring Juan Mata’s position following Jose Mourinho’s arrival at Manchester United.

The former Chesea boss axed the midfielder when he was at Stamford Bridge and is being widely tipped to do so again since arriving at Old Trafford.

ClaretandHugh reported yesterday that West Ham were aware that a top Euro 2016 Finals from Dimi Payet could bring offers from the world’s major clubs.

Regardless of that however, we understand that West Ham are indeed watching the Spaniard with a source explaining: “He is a very good player who would interest us were he to become available.”

Meanwhile, the Hammers have a price tag of between £50m – £60m on Payet and our source repeated this morning: “There is absolutely no intention of doing anything other than ensuring as far as we can that Dimi stays at this club.

“We are confident he will be playing his football at the Olympic Stadium next season.

He’s on a fabulous deal and there have been no offers or enquiries for him or any other player at West Ham United.”

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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • JustSaying says:

    I really like Mata, hes probably one of the few players at Manu that thought wtf when he heard Mourinho was coming 🙂

  • essexclarets says:

    Gets past the auto sensor otherwise I would have said ******** 😉

  • StanThe Man says:

    Total scrotum contents haha now theres a term I would wager you wouldnt find on the Oasis of sensible debate lol

  • essexclarets says:

    We all know is’s silly season in the media & 99% of any player being linked to any club is total scrotum contents. Worry if the season starts & we still havent signed anyone. 😀

  • EastStandTeddy says:

    No we are fine Essexclaret.Fernandes came in & threw money round like confetti & had players on ridiculous wages at QPR,similar to the Icelandic mob we had, with some of the silly,silly wages like Ljunberg was on as one example.Even a few of my friends who were QPR fans knew they were heading for disaster.Our board have us on a much more level footing.Worry not my friend.
    Before we we get concerned about signing the best we actually need to buy one of these said players lol.Lots of talk but no action thus far.Im afraid I’m not responsible for the banishing on here but I think you will survive…for now 🙂

  • essexclarets says:

    Mata would be a player who i would like to see in a claret & blue shirt but are we ready for top quality players yet?
    Payet wouldn’t sell full-stop top draw
    Lanzini no sale great player
    Nobel really good player
    before you all scream at me & banish me to wetlands, do we need one more season of improvement before we sign the best (or try)??
    don’t get me wrong we will get there & we are better than my example below…
    QPR tried to sprint before they could even crawl, signed some of the best but crashed & burnt (twice) because they weren’t ready (having Warrnock & Hughes as manager didn’t help). I know what i’m trying to say & i hope you do..

  • RickHammer says:

    Yeah he has always come across as a very grounded,level head kind of chap.I think Mata is a quality player.I have no problem with players like Mata,Payet not tracking back.Let them do what they do best further up the field.I always find it a totally lame argument when our fans moan that Payet ‘doesnt track back’.Just my opinion.

  • torino hammer says:

    I like Mata and my respect for him rose when he suggested how obscenely over paid he is and especially when he still mixes with his young contemporaries etc ….
    probably not mobile enough for the pressing game that chelsea wanted and others so would have to be a luxury quality player with less tracking back a bit like payet started to be towards the end of the season…

  • slaven a laugh says:

    Nice try but I’m afraid dmitri payet is priceless. In terms of increasing West Hams stock as a global brand, in terms of ticket sales, shirt sales etc, attracting young kids to support and become the future of our club. For the respect from other teams supporters and players. For the excitement of watching a player who gets you in the edge of your seat. For what it means to West Ham supporters to have the kind of creative flair player they have always loved. Then fifty to sixty million for dmitri payet, is just quite simply not enough.

    • mattefumi27 says:

      Totally agree with you slav, nice post 😉

      • RickHammer says:

        Yep totally agree Slaven.But 50-60mill would be very tempting to the board if they put their business heads on.A 40-50mill profit in one year.
        So Matt you dont want to go & leave some glorious,high IQ comment on wetlands about tribalism.The hot air is really flowing out if their butts already lmao

        • mattefumi27 says:

          Hahaha… is that the topic of the day on wetlands Rick?? One never stops learning… 😀

          • EastStandTeddy says:

            Oh dear lads please stop it lol. I have no gripe with the site as you know but even I concede that they are rather eager to sound like intellectual behemoths.It is as if they are in direct competition to post the most intelligent,impressive comment.Look on the bright side though folks,if you need an afternoon nap you know where to go if you want a form of written sleeping pill.

    • JustSaying says:

      Well said 🙂

  • StanThe Man says:

    Mata is a terrific player.I can see some big big clubs coming in for him if he were to become available

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